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Lord Vandermere is an Unseelie Sidhe, presumably a Grump, of House Beaumayn.


Lord Vandermere

Every evil legend ever told about the Harbingers of Exodus finds expression in Lord Vandermere. Not much else is known about him or his past, though, save that he's ruthless, hellishly clever, and utterly dedicated to the goals of Geremin's Heresy. He's a formidable threat by himself, having mastered a frightening array of Arts and gotten possession of a number of powerful treasures as well. He usually makes little effort to hide his sinister designs and actually seems to enjoy flaunting his image as a "dark wizard," with black cloak, sinister props, and all. Don't be fooled, though; he has more than enough power to back up his reputation.

What is puzzling is how this obviously Unseelie magician has taken the leadership of the Harbingers of Exodus, with its largely Seelie backing. Perhaps he presents a different face to them, or maybe his twisted goals really do conform to their narrow view of reality. Regardless of the reason, Vandermere is supremely dangerous and must be stopped before he brings the wrath of all the Kithain down on the Beaumayn again.


  1. CTD. Book of Lost Houses: The Second Coming, p. 29.