This is an organized gallery of Vampire: The Masquerade symbols.
For symbols specific to VTM: Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt , see Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodhunt symbols.
Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition (2011-2018)
Vampire: The Masquerade Revised Edition (1998-2011)
Vampire: The Masquerade 2nd Edition (1992-1998)
Society of Leopold Heraldic crest
Society of Leopold (1995-2018)
Church of Caine (unused alternate)
Church of Caine (unused alternate)
The Blood
Banu Haqim (2018-2020)
Banu Haqim (1992-2018)
Brujah (1992-2018)
Gangrel (1992-2018)
Giovanni (modern)
Giovanni (classic)
Hecata (modern)
Hecata (classic)
Lasombra (1998-2018)
Lasombra (1996-1998)
Malkavian (1992-2018)
The Ministry
The Ministry (early V5 variant)
The Ministry (aka Followers of Set 1992-2018)
Nosferatu (1992-2018)
Ravnos (1993-2020)
Toreador (1992-2018)
Tremere (1992-2018)
Tzimisce (1995-1998)
Ventrue (1992-2018)
Clan antitribu
Assamite: Assamite antitribu
Brujah: Brujah antitribu
Caitiff: Panders
Followers of Set: Serpents of the Light
Gangrel: City Gangrel (aka Coyotes)
Gangrel: Country Gangrel
Lasombra: Lasombra antitribu
Lasombra: Lasombra antitribu (alternate)
Malkavian: Malkavian antitribu
Nosferatu: Nosferatu antitribu
Ravnos: Ravnos antitribu
Salubri: Salubri antitribu
Toreador: Toreador antitribu
Tremere: Tremere antitribu
Tzimisce: Tzimisce antitribu (non-canon)
Ventrue: Ventrue antitribu
Clan Variants
Assamite: Assamite sorcerer (non-canon)
Assamite: Assamite vizier (non-canon)
Followers of Set: Warrior Setites (aka Vipers)
Followers of Set: Tlacique (non-canon)
Gangrel: Gangrel aquarii (non-canon)
Caitiff/Kiasyd: Maeghar
Malkavian: Ananke
Malkavian: Dominate Malkavians (aka Knights of the Moon)
Toreador: Volgirre
Tremere: Telyavelic Tremere
Tzimisce: Kolduns
Tzimisce: Old Clan Tzimisce (2016-2018)
Blood Brothers (alternate)
Cappadocian (2011-2018)
Harbingers of Skulls (2011-2018)
Harbingers of Skulls (1998-2011)
Lamia (2011-2018)
Nagaraja (2000-2018)