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The Vajrastra school was one of the four darshanas active during the Hellenstic period.


Also called the Adamantine Arrow or the School of the Thunderbolt, the Vajrastra was a popular school of thought populated by warriors and those who walked with them.[1] Members of the school viewed struggle and conflict eternal as being the truth of the cosmos, and to that end, their ethos and traditions revolved around constantly being on the march.[2]

Members of all of the major cults claimed membership in the Adamantine Arrow, though interestingly, despite India maintaining a warrior caste, being part of that caste was not a reliable predictor of membership in the darshana.[2]

In the future, many split from the darshana, with some members alternatively joining the Mahanizrayani or the Samashti. Others still defected to the Tyrannoi, who would eventually form the Seers of the Throne. Those that remained defined their role in Awakened culture at large through the maintenance of oaths made to protect those around them.[3]

