White Wolf Wiki

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WARNING: Suitable for all Sires, Neonates, and Fledglings.  I'm about uphold a bargain with Cthulhu and H. P. Lovecraft.  No money, amateur in skill, and only fun.  All my materials are to be reused for ANY campaign, vacation, or bed time story!  I showed up this morning to write.  I came from the Renaissance festival laughing to write.  MONITOR YOUR FLEDGLINGS.

Have a good morning, good evening, and good night!,

Sensible Cenboite

SensibleCenobite (talk) 20:46, February 20, 2019 (UTC)SensibleCenobiteSensibleCenobite (talk) 20:46, February 20, 2019 (UTC)

I just showed this to my mother who is religious and she understood completly what I meant.  Thanks!  Also, my dying grandma got I kick out of the story I wrote for her.  If two fairly religious women can understand me, then any haters out there could try to "see"or "listen" to what I wrote.  More Vampires from the 5th edition on the horizon.
