Motley-mate of Sister Solaris and adoptive father of Helia Elis and Ashley Grey, Jack White is one of the higher-ups in the Winter Court of the Grove.
Having spent much of his Durance in a mansion of mirrors that reflected any face but his own, Jack White barely remembered enough of his own life to make his escape through the Hedge. Upon his return to the mortal world, Jack vacillated between strict emotional detachment, which put him in good stead with Red Ferry’s (and eventually the Grove’s) Winter Court, and desperation for a true identity of his own, which he hid at all costs. White has since latched onto his motley and two newer changelings whom he took in as a family, relying both on that family and therapy to avoid further loss of Clarity.
Due to his motley-mate Solaris’s desire to see the Grove remain whole, Jack has aligned himself against any separatist movements stirring in the freehold. Even now, he is preparing to forge a set of Contracts that will permit him to better spy upon and break up such movements.
Character Sheet[]
Seeming: Darkling
Kith: Mirrorskin
Court: Winter
Entitlements: None
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 6, Wits 3, Resolve 5
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 5, Composure 4
Mental Skills: Academics 2, Computers 2, Investigation 4 (Finding People), Occult 2, Politics 3
Physical Skills: Athletics 2, Brawl 1, Firearms 1, Larceny 3 (Lockpicking), Stealth 4 (Easily Overlooked), Survival 1, Weaponry 3 (Knives)
Social Skills: Empathy 2, Persuasion 2, Streetwise 3, Subterfuge 4 (Misleading Truths)
Merits: Emotional Detachment, Fighting Finesse (Knives), Language (Mourning Cant), Mantle (Winter) 3, New Identity 2, Perfect Stillness, Resources 2 (from pledge)
Willpower: 8
Clarity: 5
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Sloth
Initiative: 8
Defense: 5
Speed: 11
Health: 7
Wyrd: 6
Contracts: Mirror ••, Smoke ••, Fleeting Winter •••, Sorrow-Frozen Heart ••••
Pledges: Commendation (Grove freehold), Motley Pledge (grants a +1 bonus to Politics rolls); Family Binding (modified Pledge of Alliance; grants Resources 2)
Glamour/per Turn: 20/6
Frailties: Jack cannot abide the rooster’s crow (minor taboo)
Type | Damage | Range | Dice Pool | Special |
Knife | 0(L) | — | 8 | — |
Pistol, light | 1(L) | 20/40/80 | 5 | — |
Saslen’s Custom Changeling: The Lost Characters | |
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