The Contracts of the Tragic, created by Old Man Winter following his bargain, are a set of powers centered around notions of theatric tragedy.
Note: The Court of Comedy and the Court of Tragedy are drawn from the Homebrew Courts and Freeholds found on the linked Onyx Path forum topic. These Courts were made by @Mad_Maudlin for use in CTL 2e; I made the related Contracts for a translated 1e version. Virtue Over Vice and Ekkyklêma are drawn from the Mantle 2 and Mantle 5 benefits, respectively. The rest are original.
- Fatal Flaw:
In many tragedies, the plot is pushed onward by a particular flaw of the protagonist. This clause utilizes that forward-driving capacity of the Vice.
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Mantle (Tragedy)
Action: Reflexive
Catch: The indulgence of the Vice leads to conflict with the motley or Court.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The caster's attempt to regain Willpower fails. Additionally, he cannot regain Willpower by fulfilling his Vice for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The clause fails.
Success: Regain one additional Willpower point if you would regain Willpower through your Vice.
Exceptional Success: The Willpower regained does not count toward the one-per-scene maximum. This effect can only trigger once per session.
- Virtue Over Vice:
This clause permits, effectively, resistance in the face of the villain's Fatal Flaw within the story.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Tragedy) 1 or Court Goodwill (Tragedy) 3
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Resolve + Mantle (Tragedy)
Action: Reflexive
Catch: You share the opponent’s Vice.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The opponent's roll gains bonus dice as though he had spent Willpower boosting it.
Failure: Nothing happens.
Success: On a resisted roll, if your opponent’s actions confirm his Vice, add your Mantle dots to your pool to resist.
Exceptional Success: The caster gains one Willpower, effectively stealing the affirmation the target would have gotten through fulfilling his Vice.
- Revenge Play:
A staple of Shakespearean tragedy, the revenge play is often driven by a victim's ghost urging vengeance, as with King Hamlet. This clause draws upon that convention.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Tragedy) 2 or Court Goodwill (Tragedy) 4
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster, his family, or his Court has been directly injured by the target of inquiry.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: A shade appears, willing to answer one question. The answer, however, is incorrect in some way that will draw attention away from the true criminal.
Failure: No shade appears.
Success: Summon a shade of the victim of a violent crime. This shade may answer successes questions regarding the crime in question.
Exceptional Success: More successes are their own reward.
- Hamartia:
Often conflated with the flaw, hamartia is the mistake leading to the undoing. This clause ensures the target faces an ever-more likely failure.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Tragedy) 3 or Court Goodwill (Tragedy) 5
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Intimidation + Mantle (Tragedy) vs Target Resolve + Composure
Action: Instant and contested
Catch: The target’s Vice is Pride or a similar equivalent.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The caster cannot regain Willpower by fulfilling his Vice for one full week.
Failure: The target faces no penalty for fulfilling their Vice.
Success: For one scene, regaining Willpower through a Vice causes a cumulative -1 penalty to all rolls for the target.
Exceptional Success: Additionally, the next time the target attempts to regain Willpower through the Vice, it fails.
- Ekkyklêma:
Much as the Greek tragedies "rolled out" the corpses, this clause permits the caster to display the crimes of a target.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Tragedy) 4
Cost: 4 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wyrd + Presence + Mantle (Tragedy) vs Target Powerstat + Composure + Mantle
Action: Instant and contested
Catch: The target’s destructive act has endangered the local Courts.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The attempted strike on another's mental state recoils on the caster, who must roll for a Clarity 5 Breaking Point. Those already below this point must roll for a Derangement.
Failure: The target is unaffected.
Success: Trigger a Breaking Point roll in another character by acknowledging aloud a character flaw or something destructive they have done. Each additional member of the Court of Tragedy who joins into this calling-out adds to the difficulty of the Breaking Point roll.
Exceptional Success: If the target fails the Breaking Point roll, he automatically gains a Derangement, rather than rolling for it.
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