Created by a doctor within the freehold of the Grove, the Contracts of the Healing Mists focus on the avoidance of and recovery from failures of and attacks on the body. These Contracts are affinity to Elementals.
- Detox:
This clause finds use in strengthening the body against the effects of toxins of all kinds.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Medicine + Stamina
Action: Reflexive (or instant, if the target is not the user)
Catch: Place a boiled tea leaf in subject’s mouth.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The body fails to shore up its defenses. Further the attempt has weakened it; as such, the target faces a penalty on dice pools to resist illness and poison by -2.
Failure: No bonus to resist illness and poison.
Success: Increase the dice pool to resist illness and poison by successes up to a maximum of +5.
Exceptional Success: The roll to resist illness or poison gains an automatic success.
- Reawaken:
Glamour infuses the caster's body, reinvigorating him or her.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Medicine + Composure
Action: Reflexive (Instant if the caster is not also the target)
Catch: The target is not the Contract's user.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Stricken by intense exhaustion, the caster must roll Stamina. If the roll fails, the caster immediately falls unconscious. If it is successful, impose a fatigue penalty of -1.
Failure: The caster takes fatigue penalties as usual.
Success: Ignore penalties from fatigue by successes up to a maximum of +5.
Exceptional Success: For the rest of the scene, the caster's body and mind are exceptionally clear, granting +1 bonus dice to all rolls.
- Ring of Peace:
The caster creates a faerie ring which tosses back those who violate its sanctity.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Occult + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The user does not raise a weapon.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The caster, falsely believing herself safe, does not attempt to dodge. She is denied her Defense for the next attack.
Failure: The clause has no effect.
Success: Create a ring Wyrd yards in radius. Individuals attempting to engage in combat must pass a (Brawl/Firearms/Weaponry + Powerstat) check with successes equal to or greater than the user’s successes. Failure throws the belligerent back, inducing one level of bashing damage.
Exceptional Success: No bonuses bar the norm for increased successes.
- Dampen Harm:
The Wyrd intervenes, ensuring that the target cannot strike true. Usable once per scene.
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Stamina + Wyrd – Target’s Strength + Power Stat
Action: Instant
Catch: Mist surrounds the target.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Fate is displeased with the attempt to manipulate it. For the rest of combat, the target gains two additional dice on rolls to attack the caster.
Failure: The attack's damage is unchanged.
Success: Reduce the damage from the target’s next attack by 1 per success, up to a maximum of -5.
Exceptional Success: In addition to the reduced damage, the attacker must roll against the caster's Occult + Wyrd. On failing, act as though he had failed a Ring of Peace roll.
- Vivify:
Glamour swirls about the body, easing injury.
Cost: 4 Glamour + 1 Willpower
Dice Pool: Medicine + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: User takes half of the levels of damage healed.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The clause's failure throws the pain of the injuries into sharp relief. Increase wound penalties by an additional die.
Failure: The clause has no effect.
Success: Reduce successes/2 (rounded down) levels of damage by one stage. If the damage relieved is bashing, remove it entirely.
Exceptional Success: One level of damage is decreased by two stages. If this would lead to relieving bashing damage, it is removed instead.
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