Forged by a Queen of the Sun Court of the Grove, Helia Elis, the Contracts of the Fleeting Sun focus on the Court’s emotion, Shame.
Discerning Eye:
Before a child of the Sun, attempts to hide one’s shames evaporate into mist.
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Mantle (Sun)
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling has admonished the target for some crime in the past 24 hours.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The information the changeling receives is, unbeknownst to her, false.
Failure: The caster cannot learn the target’s shames.
Success: The changeling learns one source of shame in the subject.
Exceptional Success: The changeling learns of two sources of shame in the subject.
Shame Upon You:
Once a source of shame is understood, its effects may be redirected.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Sun) 1 or Court Goodwill (Sun) 3
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Mantle (Sun) vs Composure (the affected individual with the highest Composure rolls for the group)
Action: Instant
Catch: The initial source of shame is a family member of the target.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The affected individuals double down in their enmity. Any attempt to placate it during this scene automatically fails.
Failure: The clause fails.
Success: The caster directs any present shame-derived animus directed toward the subject to a new target; this can only affect those who are in the general vicinity of both the subject and the target. The caster may be the new target. After the fact, it is apparent that the shift was not natural.
Exceptional Success: Those affected believe that shift in ire was entirely natural.
Disapproving Gaze:
The ashamed are often driven to avoid those they feel they have wronged.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Sun) 2 or Court Goodwill (Sun) 4
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intimidation + Mantle (Sun) – Target’s Socialize
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster has chastised the target for some crime against or affront to the targeted group in the past day.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The target feels secure enough in his actions that he gains a +2 bonus on social rolls against the chosen individual or group.
Failure: The target is unmoved.
Success: The target is filled with shame when coming face to face with a chosen individual or group (focusing the clause on a group inflicts a negative modifier on the activation roll). Relevant social rolls are made at a penalty of -1 per success, up to a maximum of -5. Effects last for one scene.
Exceptional Success: Effects last for one day.
Using this clause, a changeling may draw upon the shame that fuels the Sun Court to hobble and restrain a target.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Sun) 3 or Court Goodwill (Sun) 5
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Mantle (Sun) + Clarity vs Target’s Resolve + Power Stat
Action: Instant
Catch: The target is committing a crime.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Breaking free of constraint, the target takes the Inspired condition.
Failure: There is no change in the target's Attribute maxima.
Success: The caster caps the target’s Attributes as though they were 1 Power Stat lower; if the Power Stat is five or lower, Attributes are capped at four. Effect lasts one scene.
Exceptional Success: The caster caps the target's Attributes as though they were 2 Power Stat lower (or, if it is five or lower, at three). Effect lasts one scene.
At the height of its power, the Sun Court can induce a crippling sense of shame in those it targets.
Prerequisites: Mantle (Sun) 4
Cost: 4 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Mantle (Sun) – Target’s Resolve
Catch: The target has failed a Clarity roll in the past week.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: In spite of the shame that strikes the target, he draws up his fortitude, avoiding any penalty and gaining a point of Willpower.
Failure: The clause fails.
Success: The target is struck by a sudden sense of shame for successes turns centered around a particular subject. Attempts to act in relation to the subject within that time frame require the expenditure of a point of Willpower.
Exceptional Success: The revulsion is non-subject focused, instead acting as a blanket penalty for the clause’s duration.
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