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Affinity to Darklings, the Contracts of the Closed Eye focus on remaining hidden from prying eyes. Unsurprisingly, its creator was of the Winter Court in the freehold of the Grove: a Darkling by the name of Jack White.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet  Obfuscation:
    In an age where security cameras are ubiquitous, the ability to hide one's identity from their gaze is invaluable.
    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Subterfuge + Wyrd
    Action: Instant
    Catch: In a building the caster owns (public buildings do not count; apartment buildings only count if the caster is the landlord).
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: Any who view the changeling through a recording device find him particularly noticeable and memorable.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Blur salient features from the view of recording devices, such as cameras, video cameras, and voice recorders, for the rest of the scene. At the effect’s end, an additional 2 Glamour may be spent to renew the effect. This blurring will likely draw the notice of those viewing the effect.
    Exceptional Success: The clause’s effects last until the next dawn.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Cleansing Impression:
    Far too often does a suspect find himself caught because of some evidence left behind on an object. This clause allows the changeling to "clean" the crime scene.
    Cost: 2 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Subterfuge + Wits
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The object belongs to someone else.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The Wyrd draws attention to the targeted object. Any investigation to tie the object to the caster gains a +2 bonus.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Remove traces of the caster’s presence from an object. Mundane attempts to tie the caster to said object in an investigation are made at a penalty equal to the caster's successes in the activation roll, up to a maximum of -5. Supernatural attempts face no such penalty, but must still succeed in a Clash of Wills.
    Exceptional Success: The investigator's side in a Clash of Wills faces a -2 penalty. Mundane attempts at investigation fail entirely.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet From Sight:
    At few times is deadening the senses of another so useful as when hiding from a pursuer. When first entering sight of the user, hunters reflexively make an Investigation + Wits roll, finding him if the successes beat out the user’s successes. They may reroll as an instant action if they believe him nearby, uncovering the prey if he is within a distance of Power Stat yards.
    Cost: 3 Glamour (+ 1 Willpower)
    Dice Pool: Stealth + Wyrd vs Target’s Investigation + Wits
    Action: Instant
    Catch: User is currently being hunted.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster is rendered particularly noticeable. All attempts to hide are made at a -2 penalty.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Disappear from notice when still or moving in a crowd; recordings, however, show the changeling perfectly well. Interacting with objects ends the invisibility; lasts one scene or, if one Willpower is spent, the sooner of sunrise or sunset.
    Exceptional Success: The effect lasts until the next sunset or sunrise, whichever comes first. If Willpower was spent to achieve this effect, the point is refunded.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet  Tune In, Tune Out:
    Those who have grown to rely on their senses may find themselves hobbled when those senses turn against them.
    Cost: 4 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Manipulation + Occult – Target’s Investigation + Composure
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The caster is blindfolded for the duration of the clause.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The opponent is granted stronger senses for five turns, gaining a +2 bonus to Defense and on Perception rolls.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Mute up to the same successes senses in the target and the caster; rolls requiring that sense face a -3 dice penalty. Duration of successes turns.
    Exceptional Success: The clause’s effects last for Wyrd × successes turns.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet  Death of the Light:
    At its most potent, this Contract effectively shuts the eyes of all within its range. Upon entering range of the clause, potential victims contest the roll. Success renders them unaffected.
    Cost: 4 Glamour + 1 Willpower
    Dice Pool: Occult + Wyrd vs Target's Wits + Power Stat
    Action: Instant
    Catch: It is day (i.e. before sunset), but the sun is out of sight.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The clause activates, but in reverse. The caster takes all penalties without a chance to contest the clause.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Dim all light within a radius equal to Wyrd × 10 yards, imposing a –2 dice penalty on all rolls requiring vision and Defense -2 on all targets. User is not affected, but any allies that may be caught in range are. Lasts successes turns.
    Exceptional Success:  With an exceptional success, the zone is pitch black — change the defense malus to -5 and prohibit sight-based rolls.

Saslen’s Custom Changeling: The Lost Contracts


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