The Contracts of War, affinity to the Ogre seeming, deal with battle at the front lines.
- Blood of Ruin:
The caster partakes of the essence of ruination, weakening the foundation of his target.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Crafts + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster bleeds over the structure for one point of lethal damage.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: For the rest of the scene, the caster’s attacks against objects act as though their Durability were 2 higher.
Failure: The object’s Durability remains undamaged.
Success: Reduce an object's Durability by 1 per success, up to a maximum of -5.
Exceptional Success: For the rest of the scene, attacks against objects deal one extra level of Structure damage.
- Blood of War:
The rage in the changeling’s blood boils over into his weapon, strengthening its strikes.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Weaponry + Wyrd
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster bleeds over the weapon for one point of lethal damage.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The next attack made by the affected weapon will shatter it.
Failure: The weapon deals damage as normal.
Success: Increase the damage of a weapon by 1 per success for the rest of the scene, capped at +3.
Exceptional Success: The weapon also ignores 1 point of Armor on the next strike.
- Glamour Aegis:
With a flare of Glamour, the character can shield himself from harm.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Stamina vs attacker Strength
Action: Instant
Catch: The changeling is protecting an injured ally.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The failed clause lashes out against the caster’s armor, weakening it. Reduce the changeling’s Armor Rating (General) by 1. Should this reduce the rating below zero, attackers gain a bonus die to their attacks against the changeling for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The opponent’s attack connects as normal.
Success: Reduce the damage of one attack to zero. Only usable once per session.
Exceptional Success: The attacker is taken off balance by the failed attack. His Defense is reduced by 3 for the next attack against him.
- Conqueror’s Presence:
The caster’s very presence seeps out around him, pressing down on those who mean him harm.
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Wyrd vs Target Composure + Resolve + Power Stat
Action: Instant
Catch: The enemy outnumbers the changeling.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Feeling that their backs are to the wall, the caster’s enemies push on in a frenzy, gaining a +2 dice penalty to rolls made to attack him.
Failure: The opponents face no penalty.
Success: For one scene, the changeling’s enemies receive a -2 dice penalty to rolls made to attack him.
Exceptional Success: In addition to the usual penalty, the next affected target to be attacked is afflicted by the Beaten Down tilt.
- Paragon of War:
Inverse to the Conqueror’s Presence, the changeling’s presence inflames the souls of his allies, pressing them to fight all the harder.
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Presence + Empathy
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster is carrying a banner representing his allegiance.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The attempt to force out his presence drains the caster. He takes a -2 penalty to all actions until sleeping for at least an hour.
Failure: The combatants gain no bonus.
Success: For one scene, the changeling and his allies gain bonus dice in battles; +3 in massive battles (30 combatants or more); +2 in major battles (15 combatants or more); +1 in all other battles. User must be conscious and at the frontline; he cannot hang back.
Exceptional Success: In addition to the usual bonus, affected allies (not the caster himself) gain the Inspired condition.
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