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Forged by an unknown member of the Solstice Court following its ascension, the Contracts of Starvation focus on a particular flavour of the desperation native to the Solstice: Hunger, both in causing it and emulating its effects.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet  Hungry Grass:
    Old fairy stories tell of patches of grass the passage over which induces an insatiable hunger. This clause permits the changeling to induce the same sensation in a target.
    Prerequisites: None
    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Mantle (Solstice) + Manipulation + Survival vs target Composure + Resolve
    Action: Instant
    Catch: Food is within sight of the target.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster takes on the Deprived condition as regards food for two days. Indulgence masks the effects for one hour.
    Failure: The target is unaffected.
    Success: The caster induces an artificial feeling of hunger in the subject; the subject must roll Composure + Resolve to continue their current non-combat action. If they fail, the action is interrupted.
    Exceptional Success: Even if the target succeeds on the Composure + Resolve roll, he faces a -2 penalty to the action in question.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Fading Strength:
    As starvation sets in, a victim's strength begins to wane. The changeling, with this clause, may force this effect on a target.
    Prerequisites: Mantle (Solstice) 1 or Court Goodwill (Solstice) 3
    Cost: 2 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Presence + Wyrd  – target Stamina + Power Stat
    Action: Instant
    Catch: Target has made a non-combat Strength, Stamina, or Survival roll within the past Wyrd minutes. If this catch has already been used, another such roll must be made before reusing it.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The target finds in himself new strength of will. His next Stamina roll is made with a +2 bonus.
    Failure: The target's Attributes are unaffected.
    Success: For one scene, the target’s Stamina is reduced an amount equal to successes, up to a maximum of -3. Derived stats are also affected. The Attribute can, at most, be reduced to one. 
    Exceptional Success: The target's Strength is similarly affected.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Emaciation:
    This clause enables its caster to immediately force upon a victim the state of starvation by draining away whatever spending resource he uses.
    Prerequisites: Mantle (Solstice) 2 or Court Goodwill (Solstice) 4
    Cost: 2 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Survival + Stamina vs target Stamina + Power Stat
    Action: Instant
    Catch: Target has not partaken of their spending resource within the past twelve hours. Use of this catch induces in the target a flat loss of three of the spending resource.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster loses half of his maximum Glamour pool. If he lacks an adequate supply of Glamour, he takes bashing damage to make up the difference.
    Failure: Nothing happens.
    Success: The target loses half of his spending resource. The changeling loses the same amount (as the target, not half of his own). If the caster lacks an adequate supply of Glamour, he takes bashing damage to make up the difference.
    Exceptional Success: The changeling does not lose any of his own Glamour supply.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet  Refeeding:
    In the aftermath of starvation, excess or rich food intake will force the use of nutrients the body does not have, often to fatal results, requiring the victim to carefully monitor food intake. This clause permits the caster to place analogous restrictions on the spending resource of the target. 
    Prerequisites: Mantle (Solstice) 3 or Court Goodwill (Solstice) 5
    Cost: 3 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Mantle (Solstice) + Wyrd vs Target Survival + Power Stat
    Action: Instant
    Catch: User has not harvested Glamour for the past two days.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster finds the clause backfiring on him, lowering his maximum Glamour for two days as though his Wyrd score were one lower.
    Failure: The target's maximum for his spending resource is unchanged.
    Success: This clause caps the target’s maximum spending resource as though their Power Stat were one lower. Lasts for successes days. Consumption beyond this level induces one lethal per spending resource gained. Being above the cap does not induce damage; gaining the resource at that point does. For example, a Wyrd 7 changeling (cap 20 Glamour, currently at 17) were hit with the clause (new cap 15), he would keep the 17, not taking damage. After spending four (now at 13), he decides to harvest Glamour. Upon rolling he gets five more Glamour. Since he ran over the cap by three, he takes three levels of lethal damage.
    Exceptional Success: The cap is as though the target’s Power Stat were two lower, instead.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet  Gnawing Hunger:
    The body ever demands more food for its function. Some supernaturals bear a similar requirement, themselves. This clause forces those dietary needs higher.
    Prerequisites: Mantle (Solstice) 4
    Cost: 4 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Mantle (Solstice) + Wyrd + Stamina vs Target Health (current) + Power Stat
    Action: Instant
    Catch: User’s Glamour reserves have been at the bare minimum for one week.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster takes damage as though he had not eaten for two weeks. For the next day, he faces a -1 penalty to all rolls, as he is distracted by his hunger.
    Failure: Dietary requirements are unchanged.
    Success: This clause doubles the amount of spending resource needed to sustain life1. If there is no such requirement (as for mortals), calculate food and water requirements as though the target's Stamina were one lower (see Dark Eras 43 for effects of starvation). Lasts for days equal to successes garnered.
    Exceptional Success: Triple the spending resource requirements instead; for food and water calculate effects of privation as though Stamina were two lower.

1Vampires, for instance, ordinarily require one Vitae expenditure to wake each night. Under the effects of this clause, that rises to two. A changeling with high enough Wyrd (6+) to face Glamour addiction will find the (11 – Wyrd) day period before the next fix is halved and rounded down.

Saslen’s Custom Changeling: The Lost Contracts


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