The Contracts of Computers, as one might imagine, enable the casting changeling to manipulate computers in various ways. These Contracts are affinity to all changelings.
- Web Design:
The Wyrd is rather well known for its ability to shift appearances. This clause permits the caster to utilize that to warp the appearance of a web page.
Cost: 1 Glamour
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Expression
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster is the domain owner or is using the clause on the owner’s behalf.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: Not only is the web page unchanged, the domain owner gets an unshakable impression that the caster attempted to vandalize the page. If the domain owner does not know who the caster is, the owner find some evidence of the IP address commonly used by the caster.
Failure: The web page remains unchanged.
Success: Slightly alter the appearance of a web page (up to a combination of successes images or sentences; if the image has words, changes to said words count toward the sentence/image limit). Does not change the base code of the page. Lasts one scene.
Exceptional Success: No additional benefit, bar the usual for higher successes.
At times, it may be useful to deny an enemy the resource that a site may represent. This clause enables such a maneuver.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Computers
Action: Instant
Catch: The site represents a group of which the caster is a member.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The attempt to attack the target backfires. For the next scene, any attempt by the caster to utilize a computer or equivalent device (e.g. smartphone, internet-capable tablet) will result in the device freezing.
Failure: The targeted site is unaffected.
Success: Prevent a site from functioning for successes minutes.
Exceptional Success: The shut-down is in half-hour increments, rather than minutes.
- Ctrl + F:
A great deal of incriminating information finds its way onto computers in the modern day. By calling upon the Wyrd, a changeling may seek out that information.
Cost: 2 Glamour
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Investigation
Action: Instant
Catch: The computer belongs to the victim of a crime, rather than a suspect.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The computer is irreparably damaged; any information cannot be retrieved.
Failure: The caster must rely on his own skill to find any clues.
Success: The Wyrd subtly draws the caster’s attention to locations on a computer that are likely to have leads. Gain successes bonus dice on rolls to find clues on a computer, up to a maximum of +5.
Exceptional Success: Any indication on the computer that the caster has left behind while seeking information is wiped clean.
- Doxing:
Too often, people rely on the anonymity of the Internet to protect themselves. This clause draws away that veil, revealing the target to the caster.
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation – Target’s Composure + Computers
Action: Instant
Catch: The Wyrd draws the victim of the clause to the caster’s identity.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The clause returns false information. The caster remains entirely unaware of this.
Failure: The caster learns nothing.
Success: Learn one piece of information about an online commenter per success. Information includes name used (cannot learn a supernatural’s true name this way), Virtue/Vice or equivalent, morality equivalent.
Exceptional Success: Due to familiarity with the target, gain +2 bonus dice on the next contested roll against him.
- Private Server:
When physical meetings may prove impossible, the Internet is invaluable in remaining connected. While physical storage may prove susceptible to destruction of any information therein, an online database may protect said information. This clause may be used to secure such sites.
Cost: 3 Glamour
Dice Pool: Wits + Computers
Action: Instant
Catch: The caster ensures that those he wishes to keep out of the site are aware of its existence.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The site remains unsecured. If there is an opposing group that would have been barred by the clause, they are drawn to the site by the Wyrd.
Failure: The site remains unsecured.
Success: Induce a penalty of -successes on attempts to enter a website based on one of the following criteria, chosen by the caster: Court, Mantle, motley, freehold, entitlement, possession of a Contract, various stats (Skills, Wyrd, Clarity, etc.). The caster must fulfil the requirement for entry. Maximum penalty of -5.
Exceptional Success: Up to three criteria may be chosen.
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