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Considered affinity to Elemental changelings, the Contracts of Charge and Flux involve the manipulation of materials’ conductive and magnetic properties.


  • Menu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet  Break the Compass:
    This clause permits the caster to alter the magnetic properties of the target.
    Cost: 1 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Stamina + Wyrd
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The changeling touches the substance for at least ten seconds.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster’s body repels whatever substance is being targeted, preventing her from interacting with it.
    Failure: The substance’s properties are unchanged.
    Success: Magnetize or demagnetize a substance. Effect lasts for one day.
    Exceptional Success: The effects last for days equal to the caster’s Wyrd.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet A Rising Sea:
    This clause may be used to change the conductivity of the target, priming it for or insulating it from electrical attacks.
    Cost: 2 Glamour per roll
    Dice Pool: Science + Manipulation
    Action: Instant 
    Catch: During a thunderstorm. 
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The attempt lashes out at the caster, inducing 2L worth of electrical damage.
    Failure: The conductivity is unchanged.
    Success: Render a conductive material an insulator or vice versa. If targeting a living creature, the clause lasts for successes turns. If targeting a non-living object, it lasts for the rest of the scene.
    Exceptional Success: On a living target, the effects last until the end of the scene. On a non-living target, the effects last until either dawn or dusk, whichever comes second.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bulletMenu bullet Dyon:
    With this power, a changeling can grant the targeted object the properties of the theoretical magnetic monopole.
    Cost: 2 Glamour (+ 1 Willpower)
    Dice Pool: Science + Occult
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The substance is already magnetic
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The object is destroyed, and the caster is incapable of utilizing this clause until the next scene.
    Failure: The clause has no effect.
    Success: Turn an object into a magnetic monopole. Lasts for successes turns or, with one point of Willpower, until end of scene.
    Exceptional Success: Lasts until the end of scene. If Willpower was spent before the roll to achieve that effect, it is refunded.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu bullet  Opposites Attract:
    The magnetic force of an object is not always sufficient to affect any significant change. This clause strengthens such a force.
    Cost: 3 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Science + Wyrd
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The caster is carrying two connected magnets.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The targeted objects cease to have any effect on one another for the remainder of the scene.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Increase the magnitude of the force (repulsive or attractive) felt between two objects of the same or different charge; the affected objects move with a Speed of 5 × successes. Individuals carrying said objects or in the way of them take successes levels of bashing damage as they are dragged or pushed along, or are smacked with the targeted objects.
    Exceptional Success: Additional successes are their own reward.
  • Menu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bulletMenu hover bullet  Magnetosphere:
    This clause creates a highly-warped magnetic field surrounding the target.
    Cost: 4 Glamour
    Dice Pool: Manipulation + Wyrd
    Action: Instant
    Catch: The changeling breaks a compass open and bends its needle.
    Roll Results
    Dramatic Failure: The caster becomes the target location. Additionally, he is struck by the Sick Tilt for Wyrd turns.
    Failure: The clause fails to activate.
    Success: Induce a powerful, localized magnetic field around a target location the poles of which constantly shift; this field has a radius of Wyrd yards. Any metallic equipment is unusable due to its constant motion within the field. Further, metal-based weapons bash their wielders; bladed weapons deal lethal damage, while non-edged weapons deal bashing. Lasts successes turns.
    Exceptional Success: The effects last for Wyrd × successes turns.

Saslen’s Custom Changeling: The Lost Contracts


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