The Unmastered is a ghoul organization.
The Unmastered was formed in the 1950s as version of the underground railroad for orphaned or escaped ghouls. It numbered in those early days no more the 20 but the pivotal founders were Gregory Winter, Ginevra Salamanca, Enrico Sagunto, and Philip Marshal. Each one had extensive knowledge of the Kindred and were willing to share their knowledge with the less fortunate.
Sagunto was never a ghoul but a former member of the Society of St. Leopold's Gladius Dei. He left the Inquisition over a dispute in methodology and spent the rest of his life devoted to assisting the victims of Kindred manipulation. Although he was an experienced hunter with 12 confirmed kills, he was finally slain by a Malkavian in the Anarch Free States.
Marshall was in an independent ghoul and had his first vampire run in while working as a photojournalist. He learned about the beneficial nature of Kindred blood and hired himself as a mercenary investigator. He learned about the Blood Bond the hard way until he was freed by Sagunto who had slain his Domitor in an Auto-da-fe. He disappeared sometime in the late 60s while tracking down information about the Inconnu.
Salamanca, a member of the Obertus family, and Winter became integral parts of the Core, the main governing body of the Unmastered, and increased their influence across the world.
- VTM: Ghouls: Fatal Addiction, p. 94-98