White Wolf Wiki

Supporters of Aram Marangoudakis of House Tytalus have taken his beliefs in a cross-Tradition ambassador program a step further in the modern day. Joined by former members of the Albireo faction of the Euthanatos, members of the Celestial Chorus’ Monists and the Utopians from the Sons of Ether, they have developed the United Traditions Organization, a faction dedicated to inter-Tradition diplomacy and cooperation.

Modeled on world government organizations such as the United Nations, the UTO is not interested in how and if the Council makes reform. The UTO does not care about investigating internal corruption. Members of the UTO, however, are almost certain to show up when there is internal strife. UTO members will do almost anything to prevent members of different Traditions from fighting. They will even go so far as to provide resources and even personnel to deal with crises that cause cross-Tradition discord. There are those who worry just how far the UTO will go to forge unity in the Council. Will there come a day when the UTO will take up arms against their brethren in the name of unification?

