In the first Edition of Werewolf: The Forsaken, Unihar ("Ghost Children" in the First Tongue) were the result of mating between two Uratha.
Unihar are born between two Uratha, a process forbidden by the Oath of the Moon and the Oath of Urfarah. The process is also called a "Black Birth" and can not prematurely be ended. Methods of abortion fail, since the Unihar is more spirit than flesh. Hateful against their parents who had cursed it with its half-life, the Unihar's hatred draws hungry spirits towards the Uratha carrying it. During the birth process, the only physical execration of the birth is a black liquid, while the Unihar manifests in the Shadow. Its form is reminiscent of Gauru, but covered in black liquid and their maws filled with razor-sharp teeth. They are immediately sentient and know who is responsible for their creation. The Unihar immediately leaves to feed upon other spirits (mainly those of Hate, Lust, Regret and Pain) to gain strength to eventually cross the gauntlet. The goal of most Unihar is to harm their parents, but some, once this is done, turn towards other Uratha.
Uratha of the same sex who mate will still cause a Unihar to be created[citation needed].
Unihar are immune to effects of both Rites and Gifts, although other supernatural abilities that target spirits affect them as usual. Their bane is the need to exact vengeance, usually against the Uratha that conceived them, but sometimes against all werewolves or even the whole of the corporeal world that is denied to them.
In Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition, the Unihar are not mentioned. The ban within the Oath of the Moon against not cleaving to the human is to keep the Uratha centered on the world of flesh, lest they grow as distant to it as spirits.
The fact that Unihar could be the result of mating between two male Uratha[citation needed] spawned many a joke about male pregnancy, and that, along with the realization that the inclusion of Unihar as a consequence for Uratha mating with each other was terribly sexist and homophobic, are the likely reasons for their exclusion from Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition[citation needed], and in that edition, the sole consequence for Uratha mating is the creation of an abnormally potent Wolf-blooded.
The concept of spiritual children harassing their parents is similar to the Innocents that are the result of the mating between two Mokolé in Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
- WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Rulebook , p.44
- WTF: Predators , p.60-61
- WTF: Blood of the Wolf , p.30
- WTF: Werewolf: The Forsaken Second Edition , p.70