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Under the Skin is an SAS for Hunter: The Vigil.


From the Onyx Path catalog:

Something is inside my skin.
Shifting, itching and scrabbling for purchase. It takes me over, pushing me down to darkness. My voice is not my voice; my steps are not my steps. I see my friends… it sees my friends. I cannot scream. I cannot warn them. I am powerless and small in my own body.
Help. Please. Someone help me, before it’s too late. I am all alone. Fading to nothing.
A story in the Storytelling Adventure System for Hunter: The Vigil.
Under the Skin contains a collection of scenes, Storyteller character records, a number of hyperlinks to various portions of the text as well as bookmarks, so you can always jump right to what you need with just a click. It is inspired by the upcoming Spirit Slayers book, but that book is not required to use Under the Skin.

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