Tyrus is a Gangrel Archon of the Chicago area. Tyrus wishes to restore the reputation of the Wolf Pack in the city after the blows it has taken over the past years. The upcoming summit regarding the Lasombra may be such an opportunity, and Tyrus has redoubled his efforts to keep the Pack at the forefront of security for the event.
In reality, all Tyrus truly wants is to return to his transient life. Traveling from place to place and never settling down for too long holds the greatest appeal. He appreciates the security the Wolf Pack’s position in the city gives but fears they have already outstayed their welcome in this town. Only his younger charges’ desires to continue to perform their duties to the city, and his desire to fulfill what he sees as his duty to them, keeps him from leaving.
“ | “Fuck ‘em up, lads.” | ” |
— Tyrus the Madcap Bike |
Mortal Days[]
Tyrus came to America when it was still called “the New World,” and that is what he wanted—a new world, untamed by human progress. He longed to find a lawless frontier where he could find himself and live by his own code for his own reasons. America didn’t disappoint him, and he wandered far and wide, drawing the gaze of some of the first Kindred to arrive in America.
Tyrus often rented himself out as a guide or tracker for people wanting to leave the safety of the old port towns behind and make their way into the real wilderness. He took his charges to places unseen by human eyes in hundreds of years. He hunted and cooked the freshest wild game on the trail. Life was good.
Of course, as all mortal life is fleeting, so are its pleasures. Tyrus feared the day when he became too old to savor the smell of clean air after a day’s hike across the prairie or taste the clean water that flowed from inaccessible mountain streams.
One evening, drunk in a tavern in Maryland, a vampire approached Tyrus and discussed this condition with him. He offered to make him forever young and ensure that his voyage through this wild country could go on forever.
Kindred Nights[]
Although his sire kept his promise, the price to be paid was steep. Tyrus would never again watch the sun rise over the lakes or draw nourishment from the wilds. Instead, he was a predator, and humanity was his prey. He tried to take to this new life, assured by the eternal youth it promised him. However, the doubts of what he had become constantly gnawed at the corners of his mind.
Tyrus descended into a life of transient violence, going from place to place, getting involved in brawl after brawl. The advent of automobiles and motorcycles breathed new life into him and allowed him to cross great distances at speed.
He realized that he took no comfort in his solitude and followed the trend of the times, trying and failing on multiple occasions to put together the perfect biker gang to roam the country as modern-day outlaws and vigilantes.
He Embraced many, slaughtering almost all of them as they proved feral and unworthy in his eyes. Finally, he gathered the group known as the Wolf Pack. Together, they not only found friendship of sorts but purpose. They proudly worked together as Archons for the Chicago Camarilla.
While his name has been tarnished by the death of a Prince on his watch, Tyrus is still feared and respected throughout the city. He continues to tread the line between loyalty and insanity, while secretly hoping to be ordered out onto the road once again.
Tyrus has been on the receiving end of a bullet from Duncan MacTavish, and he fears the deadly Scotsman may be the end of him. At the same time, he may be the battle that Tyrus needs to bring him back to himself. After all, nothing gets his blood flowing like a good scrap.
Tyrus almost exclusively wears biker gear, with a worn-looking bandana atop his head with a shock of black hair sticking out of the top. His arms are adorned with robust-looking, spiked chains, and a set of brass knuckles is never far from his fingers.
Ashes to Ashes applicable stats †
Chicago by Night applicable stats ‡
Chicago by Night Second Edition applicable stats ⸸
Ashes to Ashes[]
Notes: Tyrus was one of the first Vampires made in Britain’s American colonies. Created in the wilderness of Maryland in 1662 because of his essentially wild nature, he has since roamed across the continent, making his home wherever he pleases. He fell in love with motorcycles and the freedom they represent shortly after they were introduced, and recently began making more Gangrel in order to complement what he believed a biker gang should be.
Image: Tyrus is a heavy built, unattractive and very hairy man,covered with tattoos. His slightly misshapen head gives him a baneful, malevolent appearance. Possessing a dark humor and a willingness to heighten his aura of evil, he wears black leather and a homed helmet.
Roleplaying Hints: Threaten andbully. Use your intimidation all the time, not always simply to get results, but simply out of habit.
Chicago by Night 1st & 2nd[]
Image: Big, burly and quite bald- he looks like a real terror, especially since he discovered the wonders of the punk movement. Always dresses in biker leathers and wears a homed helmet.
Roleplaying Hints: Threaten and bully. Use your Intimidation freely.
Haven: On the road.
Secrets: B+
Influence: Tyrus' Contacts and Fame are among the mortal biker gangs, who know him well. His Status among the Kindred comes from his role as archon.
The Wolf Pack[]
See coterie
The Wolf Pack have always maintained a group of ghouls to watch their backs during the day and in dangerous situations. Tyrus also maintains some regular gang members in his service for feeding purposes.
- The old Gangrel has a terrible habit of self-harm and often burns himself with lit cigarettes or stabs through his flesh with safety pins or even nails. He very seldom heals damage taken in combat and seems to enjoy being hurt.
- Tyrus lives completely off the grid. He is mostly spoken of in stories by biker gangs but rarely, if ever, do those telling the stories know his face.
- Regardless of the Wolf Pack’s somewhat diminished status, Tyrus is well known as a terrifying combatant and is treated with due respect by all who encounter him. He has never desired a Mask and will likely never adopt one.
- VTM: Chicago by Night, p. 85
- VTM: Ashes to Ashes, p. 18-19
- VTM: Chicago by Night Second Edition, p. 88-89
- VTM: Chicago by Night 5th Edition
- VTM: The Chicago Folios, p. 120-122
- VTM: Let the Streets Run Red, p. 09-11