Tyre is a city in modern-day Lebanon and one of the oldest continually-inhabited cities in the world. For the real-world city, see Tyre, Lebanon. Presumably, the Treaty of Tyre was signed there between the Assamites and the nascent Camarilla.
Vampire: The Masquerade[]
Tyre has long been one of the strongholds of the Baali. Moloch dwelled there before relocating to Carthage, and the Order of Moloch maintains headquarters there in modern nights.[1][2] Moloch's childe Tanit ruled Tyre, Prince in everything but a name, from 800 BCE until falling into torpor in the 13th century, whereupon her grandchilde Sahar-Hannibaal took power. The Lasombra Nicolao was nominally Prince during at least part of that period.[3][4]
- ↑ VTDA: Clanbook: Baali, p. 23
- ↑ VTM: The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra, p. 101
- ↑ VTM: The Black Hand: A Guide to the Tal'Mahe'Ra, p. 225
- ↑ DAV: Dark Ages: Europe, p. 183-185