Twisted Slashers are fomor serial killers.

Twisted Slashers are a self-fulfilling prophecy of horror, having played host to a Bane for so long that they can no longer remember their life without the spirit viciously whispering in their ear that they’ve been right all along. They’re so far gone into their own cruelty that they set people on edge just by being in the vicinity, with a hand permanently contorted around their favorite knife as a nigh-claw and a stride that reflects their relentlessness. Occasional lucid moments show what remains of their sense of self, but in their alienation they retreat quickly from human contact — and from the atrocities their possessing Bane commends them for performing.
Twisted Slashers deal +0 Aggravated damage with their natural weapon Brawl attacks. Conversely, they reduce all damage taken by 2 before halving and are immune to Impairment penalties. The Bane’s enhanced senses allow them to track and pinpoint prey, regardless of environmental conditions, when using their Awareness dice pool.
- General Difficulty: 4 / 2
- Standard Dice Pools: Physical 6, Social 2, Mental 3
- Secondary Attributes: Health (Enhanced) 6, Willpower 5
- Exceptional Dice Pools: Athletics 8, Awareness 8, Brawl 8, Stealth 8
- WTA: 5th Edition Core Book, p. 262-263