The Twelve Witches of the Marsh are a Society of hags in the Bullydale Wastes.
Although the Bullydales are infested with evil witches of the minor sort, the Marsh Witches deserve special mention here for being foresighted enough to put aside their petty differences and form a loose mutual-assistance society. While the other witches and miscellaneous creatures of the Wastes spend most of their time scheming against one another (or protecting against others' schemes), the Twelve are free to indulge their eccentric hobbies, each with the knowledge that, if she is attacked, she can summon her sisters.
All 12 Marsh Witches are exceptionally selfish, cold-hearted, and treacherous. Particularly noteworthy among them are Ootha, who practices the old exchange of magical favors for young and pretty body parts; Allhara the Virgin; Baktasha, known as a particularly experimental cook; and Lenoora, the legendary (and deeply Bedlam-bound) sidhe queen of the Hitherward Witches.
- CTD. Dreams and Nightmares, p. 68.