Tutu the Doubly Evil One is a Bane Mummy.
In life, Tutu was a ruthless tomb robber, and eventually it cost him his head. The priests of Set recovered the body, sewed the head back into place, and performed the Rite of Rebirth, raising him as a Bane Mummy.
Tutu has such control over his khaibit that he can separate his head from his body and retain control of both. His head and spinal column, joined by a golden socket, can slither around like a boney cobra while his headless body acts independently. If either part of Tutu is destroyed, however, both parts crumble to dust as his soul is sent back to Apophis.
Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook:
All Bane mummies share certain base Traits, as outlined in the following template. Additionally, each Bane mummy has unique quirks and powers, as detailed in the individual descriptions.
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4, Stamina 6, Charisma 0, Manipulation 0, Appearance 0, Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4
Abilities: Alertness 3, Brawl 4, Dodge 4, Intimidation 7, Linguistics 3, Melee 3, Occult 5, Stealth 4, Survival 5
Powers: Two Hekau paths at 5, one at 4, one at 3, and one at 1. Additionally, Bane mummies' warped bodies often give them unique abilities.
Willpower: 5-10
Corruption: 7-10
Unique Power: Tutu's neck has been fitted with a golden socket, whereby it is reattached to the spine from which it was severed. Tutu's control over his khaibit is so strong that he can channel his shadow-soul into his torso, then cause his head and spinal column (with his other soul-parts) to detach themselves from the trunk while the khaibit animates the headless corpse. Thereupon, the head-spine can slither about like a skeletal cobra, while the trunk can also take action. Effectively, Tutu becomes two characters, each with normal health levels. The head-spine gains an additional two dice to Dodge, but he may take no actions that require digital manipulation. The body suffers a one-die penalty to Perception and Dexterity rolls. If either part of Tutu is destroyed, the Bane mummy as a whole falls apart, while the soul descends howling to Apophis.
Since Tutu was an accomplished thief in life, add one to the base template's Dexterity, Alertness, Dodge and Stealth, and add Streetwise 4.
- VTM/WOD: Mummy, p. 66
- WOD: World of Darkness: Mummy Second Edition, p. 35
- MTR: Mummy: The Resurrection Rulebook, p. 199, 201-202
- MTR/cMET: Laws of the Resurrection, p. 246
- VTES: Final Nights
- VTES: Lords of the Night