White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Turtle is a Totem of Respect, a mighty spirit of earth and water said to hold up the world. Turtle was the totem of the Garou tribe known as the Croatan. The spirit taught them much about fortitude and enduring hardship, and with their disappearance, he fell into a slumber from which he has yet to wake.


The great spirit that carries the world on his back, Turtle is the very definition of honor and steadfastness. He is gentle and sturdy, and encourages his children to defend first and attack second.

When the Croatan sacrificed themselves to the last to banish Eater-of-Souls, Turtle fell into a great depression and withdrew from Gaia’s spirit hierarchy, refusing to act as totem to packs any longer. It’s said that he will return just before the final battle of the Apocalypse, but none know the truth of this legend.

  • Background Cost: 7

Traits & Ban[]


  • Individual Traits: Each pack member gains a point of Stamina (even if this would take them above 5). Turtle also teaches each of his children the Gift: Turtle Body.
  • Pack Traits: The pack may draw upon an extra five points of Willpower per story. Croatan Garou will also look favorably upon Turtle’s packs.


Turtle is very concerned with the honor of his children. He will withdraw his favor from any child who loses permanent Honor, or who refuses to stand and struggle to defend his land.

