White Wolf Wiki

The Tsavo Man-Eaters were an infamous pair of man-eating Bastet of the Simba tribe. They lived in Africa during the 19th century.


In March 1898, the British East Africa Company (led by the engineer Lt. Col. John Henry Patterson) began building a railway bridge over the Tsavo River in Uganda. At the construction site, two maneless male lions (the lions of Tsavo have sparse manes in general due to the hot, desert conditions) repeatedly hunted down and killed many of the workers, becoming known as the "Tsavo Man Eaters". The two Fera killed nearly 140 workers during their reign of terror, and were eventually destroyed by Lt. Col. Patterson, on December 9th and December 30 of 1898, respectively.


  • You might also check: Tsavo Man-Eaters, for information on the lions that inspired the creation of these characters.

