Truthwater is a Level Two Ondine Treasure.
Scattered here and there across the mountains of the world are lakes and ponds so crystal clear that passers-by who stop to look therein can see straight through to the Dreaming itself. Ondine loremasters have learned how to bottle the waters of such pools without destroying their Glamour, thereby producing the notorious Truthwater elixir. A deep draught of this sweet-tasting water gives the drinker the ability to detect falsehoods, and pierce illusions or disguises at a glance. (In mechanical terms, the character gains an automatic success on any relevant Alertness, Empathy, or Kenning rolls for one scene.) With Truthwater's aid, bold knights have escaped from the labyrinthine strongholds of the Shadow Court, and loyal chamberlains have prevented the substitution of simulacra for reigning monarchs.
The use of Truthwater, voluntary or otherwise, is not without its drawbacks. The ability to see through the deceptions of others is accompanied by a powerful urge toward honesty; those changelings who drink the elixir must make a Willpower roll (difficulty 8) to tell lies, omit details, and the like while the enchantment lasts. Savvy lordlings take advantage of this property to perform subtle interrogations under the guise of hospitality. Truthwater saves its worse side effects for pooka: Any pooka who consumers some is overwhelmed by the need to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Unless the pooka immediately spends a point of Willpower and remains quiet for the remainder of the scene, she will babble truths nonstop. Silent pooka who can't take it anymore and burst out talking will have to spend additional Willpower to shut up again. Needless to say, anyone using Truthwater on a pooka is asking for a vengeful prank or even an enemy in return.
Note: Changelings afraid of getting slipped a Truthwater mickey need not worry. The truth hides nothing, and the same goes for Truthwater. Its mystic power turns anything containing it - bottles, mugs, even other liquids - as transparent as glass or clear plastic. Suspicious Kithain in the know therefore avoid hosts' offers of bottled water and hard liquor.
- CTD: Inanimae: The Secret Way, p. 95