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Trinkets are fetishes unique to the Bastet. But they can be used by other Changing Breeds (Such as the Ajaba) and Mages.


Each of the items carries a bit of mystical power, and can be purchased with the Trinket Background. Most are fetishes, like those spoken of in Werewolf, but some are simply mystical objects that clever Bastet can use. Although the descriptions often refer to Bastet owners, any of the creatures that employ fetishes (that is, Changing Breeds and Spirit Sphere mages) can use the following trinkets, regardless of species, unless the listing says otherwise.

List of Bastet Trinkets[]

  • Devil's Deck - Level 1, Gnosis 5 - A collection of "normal" playing cards, this trickster's deck deals whatever card would be most helpful to the Bastet who owns it. Devil's Decks come in a variety of styles, from Tarot cards to playing cards and even collectable game cards, leading the few werecats who know about such things to wonder about their origins. Some Devil's Decks are pretty old - they're said to have been a staple of the Old West - but the more recent variations have some occult-minded Bastet puzzled. Who makes the damned things? Some Bastet would give a lot to find out.... A Devil's Deck grants the user a Dice Pool of five - the fetish's Gnosis score - when gambling, or offers an additional five dice if he's already got the optional Gambling Skill. Whenever the cat wants to play, he blows on the deck and asks for luck. The spirit in the cards responds accordingly. Smart Bastet switch decks to avoid winning too often. Unless an opponent checks the cards with magic, the Deck looks totally normal.
  • False Protection - Level 2, Gnosis 6 - A Bastet's Yava are her greatest secret, and her greatest weakness. Only a few werecats dare use these fetishes, for they risk spreading that secret. Most Bastet who know of them consider False Protection to be at least slightly blasphemous, but desperate times call for desperate measures. This Fetish can help protect the werecat from knowledgeable hunters and usually takes the form of jewelry with a symbolic representation of a great cat of a different kind to her tribe. When activated by the Bastet, the fetish swaps her Yava with those of another tribe for the rest of the scene. The werecat sets her "replacement" tribe when the fetish is made - and must know the Yava of that tribe. An observer who is aware of the Bastet's Yava can discern the purpose of this fetish by making a successful Intelligence + Occult roll (difficulty 7). Unknown to all but the canniest Bubasti, this fetish can also be used by the Ajaba.
  • Lotus Petals - Level 2, Gnosis N/A - In the Court of Luna, there grows a garden of 1000 year lotus flowers. Each Bastet that journeys to the moon may bring back a small bag of five Lotus Petals from the garden, as keepsakes of Seline's love. Naturally, these mystic flowers have a few added properties. Although few Bastet willingly sacrifice their precious Petals, emergencies do happen.
    • The Petals' magical effects are said to include:
      • The power to dissolve any poison, either inside or outside the body;
      • The ability to heal any mortal disease it eaten;
      • The power to increase the potency of Moon Rites;
      • The seed to ensure the birth of a Bastet kitten.
    • Any, all or none of these rumors might be true. The tales give a variety of ways in which the Petals might be used, from brewing a tea or serving them in corn meal to eating them raw or grinding them to dust. Although it takes a trip to the moon to obtain such flowers, some generous kuasha give them to their students as parting gifts. Their magical properties - or lack thereof - are left entirely to the Storyteller's discretion.
  • M’rissa Manycolors: Eye of the “Painter” – Level 2, Gnosis 5 - This fetish is a smoothly polished piece of striated rock marked like a cat's eye. When activated, it will provide the user with the Gift: Eyes of the Cat.
  • Grandmother's Stones - Level 2, Gnosis 5 - When the waters receded from the last great flood, they left behind shimmering stones which called to women in the night. When young girls went out under the moonlight to pick them from the cliffsides and fields where they rested, these stones brough them good fortune. In time, they were turned to jewelry and christened Grandmother's Stones. When women with the blood of Seline happened upon such Stones, the mystical power of both increased. In game terms, these brilliant blue gemstones, often set into wooden or golden jewelry, capture the moonlight and raise the Gnosis of any female cat who wears them. For every success the werecat rolls to attune with the fetish during a full moon, her temporary Gnosis rises by one. Willpower cannot be spent to gain automatic successes, and the Stone (and its Gnosis) works only by moonlight. By day, the cat has her normal rating, no bonuses. Each roll can be made only once per month, during the full moon, and any Gnosis spent is gone until next month. Most werecats attune themselves to the Stones and the moon by chanting a prayer to Seline and Gaia, holding the jewelry up in offering and thanksgiving.
  • Balam: Frog Skin - Level 2, Gnosis 5 - Favored by the Balam, this skin, typically wrapped around the hand in the manner of a glove, allows the user to neutralize all manner of poisons with but a touch. Normal poisons (even man-made ones) require a simple touch, while supernatural poisons (including Wyrm toxins) require the expenditure of a Gnosis point. To make a Frog Skin, one must bind a tree frog spirit into the skin of a tree frog. Gaia help the Bastet who kills a tree frog for this purpose, however!
  • Bone Spear - Level 2, Gnosis 6 - Despite the name, the Bone Spear is not made from bone. Instead, that is where the fetish is kept when not in use - within the Bastet's own bone. The Bone Spear is made from a wooden shaft and a stone head. The head must be tied to the shaft with one of the Bastet's own tendons, pulled from their body. (The tendon can regenerate as usual, but the process of creating the fetish is still plenty painful.) The spear attacks as normal for such a weapon (Werewolf, pg. 210), but when activated automatically vanishes and is stored within the Bastet's body. It stays activated within the body until retrieved by reaching into their own body and pulling it out. More impressively, the Bone Spear can be activated without being touched, just so long as it is in line of sight. As such, it is possible to kill someone with this weapon at long distance, and then immediately summon the weapon back into the wielder's person. It is a superb tool for espionage. The Bone Spear is bound with a cicada or butterfly-spirit.
  • Qualmi: Ice Knife - Level 2, Gnosis 6 - This weapon is favored by the Qualmi, both because it is easy to make and because it affords them excellent protection against both spiritual and mundane threats. It inflicts aggravated damage against both spirits and physical creatures (including supernatural creatures), but carries with it a special ban - it melts if the temperature of its surroundings (not including the Qualmi) ever exceeds 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Qualmi in seasonal environments (such as, say, the United States) often make pacts with ice spirits, wherein the Ice Knife melts at the turn of Spring (releasing the spirit) and the spirit returns the following Fall to be bound into another incarnation of the fetish. Indeed, the spirit in question may even be a Jamak to the Qualmi.
  • Truth-Speaker Stick - Level 3, Gnosis 5 - In many cultures, a person cannot speak in a formal setting unless he has been passed the speaking-stick, a token of recognition that keeps parties from shouting each other down. Supposedly, such insignia avert the rudeness that comes when passions are aroused. This fetish, the residence of a Truth-spirit, has other uses besides. When an elder hosting a taghairm doubts a guest's sincerity, he may call out the fetish's spirit to protect against false testimony. A carved and decorated mahogany baton, the Stick foes from hand to hand as each person speaks in turn. As the Stick is passed around, anyone who holds it will have to speak what he knows to be the truth, without embellishment or omission. If he does not, the Stick leaps into the air and starts bashing him in the head (no damage unless the Storyteller wants to make a point). Once the liar has been exposed and punished, the Stick sails back through the air to its owner, where it supposes that truth remains. if the fetish is surrounded by liars, it glows like an ember and tries to jump out of the owner's hands. If allowed, it beats every liar in the vicinity into bloody-headed submission. For obvious reasons, this aggressive fetish is left in its box when the owner herself needs to lie!
  • Black Claw: Skin of the Toad - Level 4, Gnosis 5 - This is the shed skin of a giant poisonous toad. Black Claw will pull it form his pouch, wrap it about his hand over a grass glove, and then rake his foe with his other claw. After he has opened a wound, he will touch this glove to it, thus introducing the poison into his foe's body. The victim must make a Stamina roll against a difficulty of 8 or lose three Health Levels per touch.
  • Shadow Shield - Level 4, Gnosis 7 - The classic African shield is meant to be noticed. Painted with stunning designs and frightening expressions, the shield is designed to scare and break an enemy before combat even begins. But such a purpose isn't terribly useful for a fighter who doesn't intend to be seen. As a result, the Bastet developed the Shadow Shield. The Shadow Shield is bound with a chameleon or shadow-spirit, and the shield itself must be painted three times. The first coat must be plain black, over the entire shield. The second must be pure white. (Often, this is difficult to paint over a black coat and thus two layers of white paint are employed. This doesn't interfere with the creation of the fetish.) The final coat features a traditional design. When activated, the fetish immediately takes on the exact appearance of its surroundings. Commonly the Bastet hides behind it with her back to a wall or other barrier. Spotting a Bastet using this fetish used in this manner requires a successful Perception + Alertness roll (difficulty 8). The fetish can also be employed as a standard shield. When used in combat, it increases the difficulty of an attacker's Brawl and Melee rolls by 1. It also raises the difficulty of ranged attacks employing arrows, rocks or similar missiles by 1, but is not strong enough to stop bullets.
  • Khan: Judgment Hammer - Level 5, Gnosis 8 - A treasured relic among the Khan, this mighty weapon doubles the Strength of any who wield it. Furthermore, each successful strike with the weapon allows the user to spend a Gnosis point to create an effect exactly like that of the level 1 Shadow Lord Gift: Clap of Thunder. The Judgment Hammer is quite heavy, and cannot be wielded properly by anyone with Strength less than 5.
  • Shakar: Bastet Klaive - Curved like a scimitar, Acts as the Gift: Luna's Armor.


  • African Bastet: Silver Hakarr - Level 4, Gnosis 6 or Gnosis 7 - Found exclusively among the Bastet of sub-Saharan Africa, the hakarr is the Bastet equivalent of the Garou klaive (and is treated accordingly when it comes to its creation and use). It is, in essence, a silver hunga-munga, and is notable both because it is a many-bladed monstrosity capable inflicting terrible wounds in melee combat and for the fact that it can be effectively hurled to strike foes at range. The difficulty to attack with a hakarr is 6; it inflicts Strength + 2 aggravated damage, and can be hurled up to (Strength x 3) yards. Bagheera in particular favor these weapons, but they are also used to some extent by the Simba.
  • Hakarr - Level 5, Gnosis 7 - In the eyes of the Garou, the hakarr is the classic weapon of the Bastet. A form of hunga-munga (i.e., an African throwing iron), it is composed of a long handle, designed to be held by the massive Crinos claw, attached to a cental shaft made of metal. A series of curving blades extends out on opposite sides of this shaft. The entire shaft and blades are as flat as possible, meant for throwing more than hand to hand combat, although the hakarr is often used for both purposes. Nonetheless, the hakarr is an integral part of the Bastet fetish culture. The signature silver weapon of the Bastet, the Hakarr is a relic of the War of Rage, designed to fight other shapeshifters - specifically, the Garou. As Bastet are also vulnerable to silver, it fills much the same role that the klaive fills in Garou culture. It is the chosen weapon for dueling, especially to the death. It is also a symbol of the Bastet's enmity toward the Garou; many Bastet wear a tiny representation of a hakarr around their neck to remind them of the War of Rage. The hakarr is bound with a spirit of Rage or War and can be thought of as their version of the grand klaive. It does Strength +2 aggravated damage, and as it is silver, Garou and most other Fera cannot soak this damage.) Most are bound with a second spirit, of either the wind or a bird; this spirit returns the fetish to the Bastet's hand after it is thrown. Throwing a hakarr requires a Dexterity + Athletics roll at difficulty 7, this difficulty may be affected by cover modifiers.

Bastet Talens[]

  • Quicksilver - Gnosis 2 - This talen is nothing more than a viral of mercury that is bound to a water spirit. Each vial contains 6 applications of quicksilver, and each application allows the user to take one additional person with him into the Umbra, provided he can make the journey himself (typically by means of the Gift: Walking Between Worlds).
  • Foe's Heart - Gnosis 5 - These talens are gruesome and difficult to make, but quite potent. To make a Foe's Heart, one must first engage a foe in single combat, killing him without leaving her breed form. Once this is accomplished, the foe's heart is removed and invested with a spirit of the Wyld. At any time thereafter, the talen's possessor can eat the heart to fully regain all of her Willpower. The designation of "foe" in the talen's name is important; a being weaker than the Bastet doesn't qualify.
  • Balam, Khan: Jaguar Teeth - Gnosis 6 - These powerful talens appear to be normal arrows with heads made of obsidian. Once fired from any sort of bow, however, their magic activates, allowing them to inflict terrible wounds to supernatural creatures. The Jaguar Tooth inflicts aggravated damage once it strikes, but it has a secondary effect as well: the act of striking the target shatters the arrowhead, scattering thousands of obsidian shards throughout the wound. So long as even one shard remains in the victim, the wound cannot be healed by supernatural means. Normal healing is not impeded. Jaguar Teeth are normally only found among the Balam, but the Khan make use of jade-tipped arrows which function is a similar fashion. To create a Jaguar's Tooth, a spirit of death must be bound into the arrowhead.

Ahadi Fetishes[]

(Bagheera, Bubasti, Simba and Swara) See Ahadi Fetishes here.

Hengeyokai Fetishes[]

(Khan) See Hengeyokai Fetishes here.


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