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Ashes and Angel Wings is the first book of the Trilogy of the Fallen for Demon: The Fallen.


Hell to Pay
The gates of Hell have cracked and demons have escaped to walk the earth, dressed in human flesh. But when the ancient Scourge Hasmed finds himself in the body of three-time loser and mob bagman Harvey Ciullo, he finds the world a very different place than he expected. Using his demonic will, he begins to claw his way up the New Jersey underworld, determined to make it his own.
The Angelic Host that locked him away seems to have vanished, but other demons are out there. And all the while, this hardened child of the pit can't quite shake his affection for Harvey's daughter, an instinct that could redeem his soul or destroy him forever.


  • Prologue
  • Chapter One - Chapter Sixteen
  • Epilogue
  • About the Author


  • Ads at the back of the novel include: Victorian Age Vampire Trilogy, Dark Ages Clan Novel Series (Setite, Lasombra, Ravnos) and The Seven Deadlies.

Memorable Quotes[]

"Great Azacachia
Lady of the earthy deep
As we learn your wisdom great
Many blessings shall we reap.

"Vodantu who reads the stars
Master of the inky spheres
Show us what the future holds
Answering our hips and fears." - Pg. 49

"We praise mighty Gaviel
Glory of the summer sun
You have brought us truth and light
We adore you, radiant one." - Pg. 50

"Sabriel of Eastern Sea
Bless us all with tender love
With your caring we shall be
Guarded from the wrath above." - Pg. 51

"WHAT ARE YOU?" the creature demanded again.

"It's not that," Hasmed said, his pride stung. "I need to show people some you know, invisible forces. Give 'em something to believe in."
"A no-shit angel isn't something to believe in?"
"Right. I don't see you flappin' your goddamn wings." - pg. 121

Then Avitu said softly, "It's only your humanity that makes this painful." - pg. 181

"You could get the picture that you've entered a larger world, more real and more important than your daily drudgery of... what is it you do, anyhow?"
"I'm a clerk in a video store."
"Worse than I could have imagined." - Pg. 182

"How is it you know about Caine, but you don't know about Kindred?"
"Let's just say I've been out of action for a long time. What the hell is a Kindred?"
The man drew himself up to full height and gave Hasmed his best evil-eye stare. "We're vampires," he said.
"Well I'll be dipped in dog shit. I thought you guys were myths!"
"We're real. What the hell are you?"
Hasmed pulled down his shades and let a little of himself show through his own mangled eye. "Funny you should use that phrase."
"What? I'm supposed to think you're a no-joke demon?"
"Whatever." The creature's skepticism was broadly apparent.
"Believe what you want. It's a funny world." - Pg. 248

"So it sounds like there was a long, long time between when God cursed Caine and when Caine got to building the first city," the vampire said.
"Actually, Michael cursed Caine. I mean, it was the power of the One Above, but Michael carried the actual message. The infinite cannot touch the finite in a limited fashion."
"Michael, not God. Also, there were cities before that, too."
"Damn. No one's probably going to believe me." - Pg. 249

"God, please kill me. Please God, please let me die. Please. Please God..."
Ciullo's cold snicker drowned out Scott's pleas. "That," he said, "Is the one prayer God always grants. Eventually." - Pg. 279


  • Hasmed/Harvey Ciullo - "Mr. Fortune," "Zoth-Tocatil," "Zoth/Hasmed of the Hated Lash," Fallen, Scourge, Asharu, Fell Knight of the Boundless Deeps
  • Vodantu - Fallen, Neberu, Hasmed's Lord, Duke
  • Ahrimal
  • Joriel - Fallen, Darkness of the Deeps, destroyed
  • Rabbadün/Gene Souk - Fallen, Neberu, Seer of Time, "Benny Hoakler"
  • Mikey Diamond - Human, Gangster, Died
  • Dennis Porter - Human, Harvey's Bookie
  • Tina Ciullo - Human, Harvey's daughter, Hasmed's Thrall
  • Juan - Human
  • Helena Schirokauer - Human, Harvey's Half-Sister, Died
  • Sabriel/Christina Vadrudakis - "Angela Meyerhoff," Fallen, Fifth House, Lammasu, Defiler
  • Nathaniel Kowalski - Human, Pianist
  • Hal Guelder - Human, Classic Music
  • Mr. Hoshida - Human, Classic Music
  • Samuel - Human, Elderly
  • Max Hirniesen - Mage
  • Penelope - Alias, "Lucifer"
  • Usiel/Clive Keene - Fallen, Slayer, Host Body is a former Mage
  • Avitu - Earthbound
  • Nurse Schwabbe - Human, Nurse
  • Danae Sieferson - Human, Physician, Doctor
  • Dr. Lipowicz - Human, Neurosurgeon, Doctor
  • Dr. Lyons - Human, Trauma Specialist, Doctor
  • Doris - Human, Helena's neighbor
  • Rocoe Paum, "Roscoe Shakes" - Human, Boxer, Hasmed's Thrall
  • Hamish Brennan, "Vietnam Ham" - Human, Mobster
  • Archduchess Azacachia - Fallen
  • Vejovis - Angel, Seraph, King of the Tempest, Destroyed
  • Gaviel
  • Tommy Ramone - "Tom," "Thomas" - Human, Sabriel's Thrall
  • Gordy Hines - Human, Criminal, Slain by Usiel
  • Teddy Mason - Human, High Priest of Avitu
  • Birdie Mason - Human, Teddy's Wife
  • Lance Mason - Human, Teddy's Son
  • Claus Merrow - Mage, Gone
  • Davis - Mage, Died
  • Magdalena - Mage, Died
  • Shannon - Mage, Died
  • The Abyssal Monk - Mage, Died
  • Maryanne Prisco - Human
  • Reave of the Deep Waters - Demon, Still in the Abyss, Lammasu
  • Singer of Western Waves - Demon, Lammasu
  • Knight of the Rolling Storm - Demon, Lammasu
  • Betsy Smith - Human
  • Jake Steubbens - Human, Died
  • Oscar Phelps - Human
  • Sal Macellaio - Human, Mobster
  • Scott Macellaio - Human, Sal's Son, Died
  • Tiny Sorgente - Human, Gangster, Died
  • Johnathan Vuoto, "Johnny Bronco" or "Don Vuoto" - Human, Mobster, Died
  • Vince - Human, Sal's Bodyguard, Mobster
  • Dr. Ng - Human, Teddy Mason's Psychologist
  • Brenda Garry - Human
  • Nolan - Human
  • Enshagkushanna
  • Bartholomew Hightower - Human, Texas insurance salesman
  • Lauren - Human, Sister to Ethan
  • Ethan - Human, Brother to Lauren
  • John Bow - Vassago's Thrall, Died
  • Krebbs - Vassago's Thrall
  • Peggy Palermo - Human, Poetess, Died
  • Rudy - Human, Carpet-installer, Died
  • Gil Delacerro - Human, Potter, Died
  • Jennifer Arliss - Human, Re-composer, Died
  • Gustavus Doakes - Human, Prop Manager, Died, "James T. Kirkegaard" - Pseudonym
  • Howie - Human, Teacher
  • Tony Berman - Human, Clark's Son
  • Clark Breman - Human, Cop
  • Vanessa - Human, Died
  • Mr. Yamamura - Human, Owner of Solly's Pizza-n-Subs
  • Mr. Kneller - Human, Owner of the Video Villa
  • Franklin - Human, Tommy's Buddies
  • Pete - Human, Tommy's Buddies
  • Steve - Human, Tommy's Buddies
  • Mo'ana - Human, Tommy's Buddies
  • Jack Haskell - Human, Diamond Merchant
  • Lee Boyer Jr. - "Milkman Boyer," "Milk Monster," Human, Gangster, Hasmed's Thrall
  • Lee Boyer Sr. - Human, Lee Boyer Jr's Father, Died
  • Marcia Boyer - Human, Lee Boyer Jr's Mother, Died
  • Carl Christopherson - Human, Died
  • Vassago
  • Steve Corman - Human, Lance Mason's Friend
  • Chuck Collins - Human, Died
  • Bitsy - Human
  • Starshine - Human
  • Trunella - Human
  • Gwynafra Doakes - "Jennifer," Mud animated by Avitu
  • Lubiku - Fallen, The Stone of the Despair
  • Glenda Fielding - Human
  • Ruchel - Human, Past
  • Myicha - Human, Past, Died
  • Bachlus - Human, Past
  • Eve
  • Adam
  • Darmen - Human, Past
  • Seatus - Human, Past
  • Abel - Past
  • Lady of the Waterfall Song - Demon
  • Rickie Rosen, "The Pitbull" - Human, Cop
  • Fred - Human, Cop
  • Pamela Creed - Avitu's Priestess, Unpublished Novelist
  • Joeesha Murfee - Human, Sax Player
  • Brandon - Human, Performance Artist
  • Stuart Flaubert - Human, Painter
  • Stone Man - Created by Avitu, Destroyed
  • Steel Pete Petrucci - Human, Gangster
  • Free Feurstein - Human, Owner of Threshold Books
  • Frieda Cortez - Human
  • Darren - Human, Clancy's Brother
  • Clancy - Human, Darren's Brother, Died
  • Jasper Whitty - Human, Football Quarterback, University of Miami
  • Coach Evan Marns - Human, Assistant Coach, University of Miami
  • Sweet Pete - Human, Club Owner
  • Levi - Human, Sabriel's Thrall, Died
  • Rico Pudoto - Human, Mobster, Rival to the Vuoto Family
  • John Cohn - Human, Johnny Bronco's Consigliere, Mobster
  • Rock - Human, Gangster, Died
  • Donna Wentz - Human, Babysitter
  • Arnold C. - Human, Gangster, Died
  • Rudy - Human, Gangster, Died
  • Lucifer


Abyss, Allmaker, The Ancient of Days, Angel, Angels of Comprehension, Angels of the Firmament, Appalachians, Argentina, Artifact, Arizona, Asharu, Atlantic City, Aura, Avatar, Bangladesh, Bayonet Point, Belief, Boston, Bringers of the Word, Bronx, Burning Man, Cafergot (Drug), Caine, Cainites, California, Central Park, Chicago, Choir, Choir Above, Colonia, Conley's (Gym), Creation, Defiler, Demon, Devil, Devil Night's Quake, Diabolist, Dies Ignis (Book), Duke, Earthbound, East Harlem, The Ebon Branch (Book), Eden, Ed's Tap, Egypt, Elohim, Enfamil baby formula, Europe, Faith, Fall, Fallen, Fell Knight, Fiend, Fifth Age, First City, Florida, Fong's Dry Cleaning, France, Ghost, God, Grain Sea, Guardians of the Spheres, Haiti, Harlem, Heaven, Hell, Hollywood, Holy Host, House, House of Dawn, House of Eternity, House of Waves, Idaho, Illinois, Incubus, John the Conqueror's, Kindred, Lake Mead, Lammasu, Las Vegas, The Left-Hand Door (Book), Lord, Los Angeles, Lucifer's Curse, MacTavish Tavern (The Mack, Mac), Mafia, Magic, Maker of All, Man, Manes Malus (Book), Manhattan, Master (Mage), Methuselah Tree, Mexico, Miami, Michael, Missouri, Mortal, Neberu, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, New York City, Nicole's Old Fashioned Tap, One Above, Oswego, Overlord, Philadelphia, Pit, Radiant Ones, Reality, Realm, Realm of the Dead, Samoa, Sargento Welding Supply, Scourge, Seraph, Shady Pine Court, Slayer, Solly's Pizza-n-Subs, Sorcerers, Soul, Spectre, Spirit, Spirit World, Succubi, Texas, Threshold Bookstore (New Age), Those Beyond, Thrall, Toronto, Trenton, True Name, UNLV, Valley Garden Mall, Vampire, Vassel, Video Villa, Vienna, Vietnam, Void, Vuoto Family, War of Earth, War of Wrath, Washington, D.C., Wraith, Wyoming, Yellowstone,


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