Trilogy of the Blood Curse: The Winnowing is a fiction novel for Vampire: The Masquerade.
From the back of the book:
- The Blood Curse - hunger, madness, Final Death.
- As countless vampires perish in torment, the survivors jockey ruthlessly for any advantage. Owain Evans, Ventrue elder and Sabbat soy, is drawn more deeply into deadly plots as figures from his past emerge to call due forgotten promises from centuries gone by. And that may be the least of his worries....
- Disturbing visions haunt Owain night and day. Is he touched by the Curse, or something far more sinister?
- This second volume of the Trilogy of the Blood Curse follows The Devil's Advocate and interweaves characters and action with the Vampire: The Dark Ages saga Grails Covenant Trilogy.
From the White Wolf catalog:
- A Secret Society Crumbles
- The Blood Curse means hunger, madness and Final Death. As surviving vampires flock to fanatics who warn of the Endtime, warfare and chaos reign among the undead. The Camarilla has lost control. The Sabbat cannot command its own. Princes and bishops press for more power to combat the mysterious affliction. Owain, Ventrue elder and secret Sabbat spy, struggles to hold the curse's madness at bay. Visions hound him day and night. Drawn in by the machinations of ancient powers, he must choose between his masters if he hopes to survive.
- Secret Connections
- THE WINNOWING is the second novel of the Trilogy of the Blood Curse, and the fourth book in connected Vampire trilogies, following TO SIFT THROUGH BITTER ASHES, TO SPEAK IN LIFELESS TONGUES (Books One and Two of The Grails Covenant) and THE DEVILS ADVOCATE (Book One of this trilogy).
- Chapter One - Chapter Thirteen
Background Information[]
- Ads at the back of the book include: To Sift Through Bitter Ashes, To Speak in Lifeless Tongues and The Devil's Advocate.
- Because the novel takes place sometimes in Atlanta, it can be seen as a prequel to the Clan Novel Saga.
- Many characters from Necropolis: Atlanta, Berlin by Night and Los Angeles by Night appear in the book.
Memorable Quotes[]
"I am a stag: of seven tines;
"I am a flood: across the plain."
"I am a storm: upon a deep lake;
"I am a tear: the sun lets fall."
"I am a thorn: that pierces flesh;
"I am a hawk: above the cliff."
"I am a terror: upon the plain;
"Who but I sets the cool head aflame with smoke?"
"I am a spear: quenched in blood;
"I am a salmon: in a still pool."
"I am a boar: ruthless and red;
"I am a breaker: threatening doom."
"I am a light: from beyond the Veil;
"I am a barrow: where poets walk."
"I am a tide: that drags to death;
"Who but I peers from the unknown dolmen arch?"
"I am the blaze: on every hill;
"I am the womb: of every holt."
"I am the shield: for every head;
"I am the tomb: of every hope." - Pgs. 69-73, 75-77
- Nicholas, "Tree-Render" - Gangrel
- Blaidd
- Edward Blackfeather - Gangrel
- Owain Evans, "Kinslayer"
- Randal - Owain's Servant Ghoul, Died
- Prince J. Benison Hodge
- Eleanor
- Baylor
- Marlene
- Thelonious
- Aunt Bedelia
- Aurelius - Nosferatu Primogen of Atlanta
- Hannah
- Angharad - Rhys ap Ieuan's Wife, Past Mortal
- Albert Bowman - Malkavian, Died
- Miguel - Sabbat Vampire, El Greco's Lieutenant
- El Geco, "Domenicos Theotocoulos" - Sabbat Prince of Toledo, Toreador
- Lorenzo Giovanni - Ghoul
- Kendall Jackson - Ghoul, Owain's Servant
- Benjamin
- Sally - Eleanor's Ghoul
- Kli Kodesh - Ancient Nosferatu
- John Rotty - Anarch Vampire
- Thu - Brujah, Kline's Helper
- Tobias - Anarch Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Aaron - Anarch Vampire, Died, Diablerized by Liza
- Eddie Cocke - Anarch Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Liza - Anarch Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Jolanda - Anarch Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Matt - Anarch Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Xavier Kline - Brujah
- Dr. William Nen, "Bill" - Human, Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- Leigh - Human, Nen's Psychologist
- Jebediah - Gangrel, Childe of Beauvais
- Beauvais - Gangrel, Childe of Ragnar
- Ragnar - Gangrel, Childe of Blaidd
- Edgar - Ghoul, Benjamin's executive assistant
- Mohammed al-Muthlim
- Rodney - Ghoul, Crypt's Sons
- Marvin - Ghoul, Crypt's Sons
- Kenny - Ghoul, Crypt's Sons
- Pancho - Ghoul, Crypt's Sons
- Salvador
- Jesus Ramirez
- Pierre - Toreador
- Roger - Malkavian, Bension's Childe, Died, Blood Curse
- Robert Gillus - Ventrue, Died, Blood Curse
- Wailing Woman
- Ellison
- Antoinette
- Maxwell Ldescu
- Wilhelm
- Gustav
- Peter Kleist
- Thomas de Lutrius - Toreador
- Karl Schrekt
- Henriette - Ventrue, Wilhelm's Childe
- Rebecca - Caitiff, Died, Blood Curse
- Tonya - Caitiff, Died, Blood Curse
- Gregory, "Greg" - Caitiff
- Ron - Brujah, Kline's Buddy
- Elliott - Vampire
- Didi - Vampire, Died, Blood Curse
- Señor Rodriguez - Ghoul Servant to Owain
- Señora Rodriguez - Ghoul Servant to Owain
- Vermeil - Ghoul, Benison's Servant
- Maria - Ghoul, El Greco's Servant
- Ferdinand - Ghoul, El Greco's Servant
- Carlos - Sabbat, Bishop of Madrid, Created the Blood Curse
- Grimsdale - Sabbat, Stole the vial that had the Blood Curse
- Dr. Maureen Blake - Human, Nen's Superior
- Gwilym - Owain's Ghoul, Past, Died
- Ambrosio Luis Monçada
- Morgan ap Rhys, King of Rhufoniog - Owain's Ghoul, Past
- Blodwen - Iorwerth's wife, Died, Past Mortal
- Kathleen - Neonate Vampire
- Santiago, "Señor Brillante," "Mr. Shiny" - Sabbat, Follows Carlos
- Martin Raimes - Human, Nen's Pathologist Friend
- Javier - Vampire, Miguel's Childe, Sabbat, Spy for Carlos
- Dieter Kotlar
- Dr. Andrew McArthur - Human, CDC Director
- Melitta
- Tanzani - Tremere, Who had served El Greco
1375, 1380, 1830, 1993, 1995, Africa, Alcazar, Anarch, Anarch Revolt, Ancillae, Antediluvians, Archbishop, Assamites, Athens (Georgia), Atlanta, Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Newspaper), Barcelona, Battle of the Trees, Beast, Berlin, Berlin Musuem, Berlin Palace, Bishop, Blood-Bound, Blood Curse, Bloodline, Blood Rage, Book of Enoch, Book of Nod, Britain, Brujah, Caine, Cainite, Camarilla, Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Chantry, Cheshire Bridge Road, Chi, Chicago, Childe, Childer, Clan, Compton, Covina, Creative Loafing (Newspaper), Crypt's Sons, Cyclorama, Damned, Dante's Down the Hatch (Restaurant), Daughter of Cacophony, Decrees, Detroit, Domain, Domitor, Dream Stalkers, El Alcazar, Elder, El Prat de Llobregat, Embrace, Euclid Avenue, Europe, Final Death, Final Reich, First City, France, Frenzy, Gangrel, Gehenna, Germany, Ghoul, Giovanni, Great Anarch Revolt, Great War, Haven, High Museum, House Rhufniog, Howling Priests of Mu, Humanity, Hunger, Iberia, Indianapolis, Inner Council, Inquisition, Jerusalem, Justicar, Kiev, Kikwit, Kindred, Kine, Kreuzberg, L.A., La Hermandad, la Iglesia de San Nicolas, Lasombra, Lisbon, Little Five Points, London, Lupines, Madrid, Malkavian, Masquerade, Miami, Mooreland Avenue, Morris Brown Library, Neonates, New York, Nine Tails (Club, Anarch Hangout), Nosferatu, Pack, Palestine, Pamplona, Peachtree Street, Piedmont Park, Plain of Mediggo, Plaza de Zocodover, Ponce de Leon Avenue, Portugal, Primogen, Primus, Prince, Progeny, Project Angharad, Puente de Alcantara, Puente de San Martin, Puerta de Bisagra, Puerta del Cambron, Puerta del Sol, Realm, Reciting of Deeds, Rent, Retainer, Reynoldstown, Rhodes Hall, Rhufoniog, Rio Tajo, Rite of Challenge, Rome, Rootweavers, Russia, Sabbat, Savannah, Sire, Smoky Mountains, Spain, Spanish Civil War, Spirits, Sudan, Templars, Terminus, Tiber, Tiergarten district, Toledo, Toreador, Torpor, Tortosa, Traditions, Tremere, Tzimisce, United States, Vampire, Vatican, Veil, Ventrue, Vienna, Vitae, Wales, War Party, Washington D.C., Whittier, Winnowing, World War II, Zaire,
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