- Fight for Glory, Strive for Wisdom
- They laugh louder and weep harder than any other tribe. They fight as though they've already accepted their own deaths, but do their best to live life to the fullest. They treat their foes with no mercy, and they treat their families with enduring love. They make bloodthirsty enemies, but outstanding friends. They are the Children of the Stag, the Fianna.
- Live Each Day As If It Were Your Last
- The new Tribebooks continue with Tribebook: Fianna, the sourcebook detailing the spirited Celtic warrior-tribe. Learn their secret wisdom, challenge the most recent threats to their survival, use the new Gifts, fetishes, spirit allies and rites provided within. And do you family proud.
Legends of the Garou: Family Values[]
Chapter One: The Song of Stag's Children (History)[]
Chapter Two: Hearth and Home, Caern and Kin (Society)[]
Chapter Three: Fang and Antler[]
- Abilities
- Wrestling (Talent)
- Faerie Lore (Knowledge)
- Gifts
- New Auspice Gifts
- Ragabash
- Fog of War - Level Four
- Galliard
- Reverie - Level Two
- Fog of War - Level Four
- Ragabash
- New Fianna Gifts
- Faerie Light - Level One
- Salmon Leap - Level One
- Howl of the Unseen - Level Two
- Fair Fortune - Level Two
- Spear Dancing - Level Two
- Fire in the Belly - Level Two
- Pin The Eagle's Wing - Level Three (Lleu's Spear by the Welsh Fianna)
- Forms of Cernunnos - Level Five
- Havgan's Healing - Level Five
- New Auspice Gifts
- Rites
- Rites of Accord
- Rite of Hospitality - Level Two
- Rites of Death
- Rite of the Hero's Sleep - Level Five
- Rites of Renown
- Rite of Boasting - Level One
- Mystic Rites
- Feast for the Spirits - Level Two
- Rite of the Foeman's Vigil - Level Three
- Seasonal Rites
- Samhain (Oct. 31 - Nov. 1) - Level Two
- Imbolc (Feb. 1 - Feb. 2) - Level Two
- Beltane (April 30 - May 1) - Level Two
- Lughnassa (August 1-2) - Level Two
- Minor Rites
- Twilight Song
- Rites of Accord
- Fetishes
- Goibhniu's Hammer - Level 2, Gnosis 6
- Pipes of the Otherworld - Level 2, Gnosis 5
- Torc of Wisdom - Level 3, Gnosis 5
- Carnyx of Victory - Level 4, Gnosis 7
- Spear of Len - Level 4, Gnosis 6
- Torc of the Wolf - Level 4, Gnosis 7
- Boar's Tusk - Level 5, Gnosis 7
- Threefold Axe - Level 5, Gnosis 7
- Tattoo Fetishes
- Talens
- Tathlum - Level 2, Gnosis 5
- Mist o' the Glen - Gnosis 7
- Royal Mead - Gnosis 7 (aka Blue Gold)
- Battlemead - Gnosis 6
- Totems
- Merits and Flaws
- Second Sight (2-6 point Merit)
- Seldom Sleeps (2 point Merit)
- Geas (1-7 pt Flaw)
- Spirits
- Spirit of the Pool - Stats
- Bean Si - Stats
- Fintan, the Salmon of Knowledge - Stats
- New Charms
- Fortune
Chapter Four: The Wild and the Wise (Hero-Children of Stag)[]
- Templates
- Tourist Trap - Homid Ragabash
- Ambergold Brewer - Homid Theurge
- Matchmaker - Lupus Philodox
- The Mule in Black - Metis Galliard
- Master of the Forge - Homid Ahroun
- Extra Reading
- Books
- The Celts (1980, Thames & Hudson)
- The World of the Celts (1993) by Simon James
- The Ancient Celts (1997) by Barry Cunliffe
- The Celts (2000) by John Davies
- The Celts: Life, Myth and Art (1998) by Juliette Wood
- Celtic Britain (1997) by Charles Thomas
- Pre-Christian Ireland (1988) by Peter Harnison
- Rome's Enemies (2): Gallic and British Celts (MAA 158) and Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars (MAA 154) by David Nicolle
- The Oxford Illustrated History of Ireland (1989) edited by R. F. Foster
- A Short History of the Wolf in Britain (1994) by James E. Harting
- Emigrants and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus to North America (1985) by Kerby Miller
- Mythology
- Legends of the Celts (1994) by Frank Delaney
- Myths & Legends of the Celts (1998, Senate)
- The Chronicles of the Celts (1999) by Peter Beresford Ellis
- A Dictionary of Irish Mythology (1989) by Peter Beresford Ellis
- Gods and Fighting Men (1904) by Lady Gregory
- The Mabinogion
- The Tain (aka the Tain bo Cuailnge)
- GURPS Celtic Myth by Ken and Jo Walton
- Additional Material
- The Melting Pot Book of Baby Names (1995) by C. L. Ellefson
- Celtic Names for Children (1998) by Loreto Todd
- Comics
- Sláine: Warrior Beyond Time (2001) by Pat Mills
- Films
- Braveheart
- Trainspotting
- Additional Material
- Books
Background Information[]
- At the credits section: Tribebook: Get of Fenris is mentioned coming next for Werewolf.
Memorable Quotes[]
"The peaceful werebears, the proud werelions, the skulking wererats, even the playful wereotters fell beath our claws... Today, you won't meet a wereeagle, a wereox, a werespider or wereotter. The survivors - the Bastet and Mokolé chief among them - are scarce, and their bitterness can be lethal if they catch you alone, so be warned." - The War of Rage, pg. 15
"Rabb adds: Weregerbils! Werefrogs! Weresnakes! Not a bloody chance." - Nagah, pg. 63
- Legends of the Garou: Family Values
- Rory "Leaps-Like-the-Salmon" McNabb - Fianna Theurge, Chosen of Cernunnos Pack
- Greg - Fianna Warder of Sept of Mannan's Rock, Rory' Uncle
- Iona McGregor - Fianna Kinfolk
- Arms-Like-Trees - Fianna Ahroun, Chosen of Cernunnos Pack, died
- Sarah "Rends-the-Night" McShane - Fianna, Alpha of the Chosen of Cernunnos Pack, died
- Douglas - Fianna Kinfolk
- Daughter-of-Arduinna - Fianna, Chosen of Cernunnos Pack, died
- Howls-of-the-World's-End - Fianna Galliard, Sept of Mannan's Rock
- Chapter One: The Song of Stag's Children (History)
- Fionn mac Cumhail
- Amadir - Fianna, High King of Silver Tara, Past
- Cassivax - Fianna, High King of Silver Tara, Past
- Collam - Fianna, Ard Righ of Silver Tara, Past
- Egnato Master-of-the-Gale - Fianna Ancestor Spirit
- Julius Ceasar - Human, Past
- Vercingetorix of the Averni - Human, Past
- Cinvortrix - Fianna, Past
- Ard Righ Elim - Fianna, "of the Red Claws," Past
- Imbarsh Staghunter - Black Spiral Dancer Galliard, Ancestor Spirit
- Gair O'Rourke - Fianna, Brendan's son, lost
- Chapter Two: Hearth and Home, Caern and Kin (Society)
- Nada - Shadow Lord
- Margrave Yuri Konietzko
- Robert "Rab" McNabb - Fianna
- Berberana Muguruza - Fianna Philodox, Songkeeper
- Malcolm "Wyrm-mocker" Sutton - Fianna Ahroun, Brotherhood of Herne, fell
- Chuck "Sings-of-Home" McCormack - Fianna Galliard
- Moira McLeish - Fianna
- Geraint Hunts-in-Holes, "Gere" - Fianna
- Barr O'Callahan - Fianna Galliard, High Songkeeper of the Silver Tara
- Niall of the Hundred - Troll, Bron's Bodyguard
- Golgol Fangs-First
- Firehair Family - Fianna Family around Beijing
- King Jonas Albrecht
- Old Man
- Chapter Three: Fang and Antler
- Hogan - Fianna
- Johnny - Fianna
- Brian - Fianna
- Chapter Four: The Wild and the Wise (Hero-Children of Stag)
- Hygwydd ab Iaen
- Kerenhyr ap Gwydion - Sidhe
- Degan - Hygwydd's son
- Dawn Sentry
- Bale-Eye
- Gavin Mac Fionn - Fianna, Bron's heir, fell
- Ard Righ Bron Mac Fionn
- Brendan O'Rourke - Fianna, Former Ard Righ, Left in a Umbral Quest
- Son-of-Moonlight
- Laora d'Avennes, "Burns-the-Wyrm"
- Stuart "Stalks-the-Truth" Brown
- Margaret Brown - Fianna Kinfolk, Stuart Brown's Mother
- Colum Brown - Fianna Kinfolk, Stuart Brown's Father
- Hygwydd ab Iaen
Arcadia Gateway, Ard Righ, Battledew (Magical Flower), Black Spiral Dancers (Wyrm Howlers), Brigid, Caern of Gloom and Sorrow (Scotland), Caern of the Red Plain, Camps: Songkeepers, The Brotherhood of Herne, The Whisper Rovers, Grandchildren of Fionn, Children of Dire, The Tuatha De Fionn, The Mother's Fundamentalists; Celidh, Changelings, Chosen of Cernunnos Pack, Cockerel, Corax, Council of Righs, Council of Song, Cromh Cruach, Cruimh Beithioch (Wyrm-Beast), Danu, Daoine Sidhe, Dreaming, Dyn a drowyd yn flaidd, Epona, Faeries, Fenrir, Festivals: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnassa, Samhain; Fianna, Fianna Homeland, Fierce Ones (Fianna), First Battle of Tara, Fomori, Fomorians (Fir Domann, the Men of Domnu), Fomori Wars, Fostering, Fourth Battle of Tara, Gae Bolga, Goblins, Herne the Hunter, High Tara, Hounds of the Horned One (Stag's Children, Ancestors), House Conquering Claw, House Winter Snow, Hsien, Iron Tara, Joyeux (Laora d'Avennes' fetish axe), Magic Mead, Merlin, Mile Deep Loch, Morrigu (Macha, Badb, or Nemain), Night Claws (Stag's Children, Ancestors), Night Eyes Pack (Once Bitten Pack), Oath, Ogham, Plain of the Apocalypse, Righ, Royalblood (Umbral Flower), Second Battle of Tara, Seelie, Sept of Mannan's Rock, Sept of the Nine Hills, Sept of the Tri-Spiral, Shattering, Sidhe, Sidhe-bane, Silver Crown, Silver Fangs, Silver Tara (Middle Tara, Airgetteamhair), Skysingers (Stag's Children, Ancestors), Songkeeper, Sprites, Stag, Stonewall Pack, Third Battle of Tara, Three Virtues: Hospitality, Generosity and Bravery; Tir na nOg, Torc of Kingship, Triads, Trolls, Tuatha de Danaan, Unseelie, Warders of Men, White Howlers, Wild Hunt, Wyld Hunt,
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