Tribe Novels: Silver Fangs & Glass Walkers are fiction novels for Werewolf: The Apocalypse.
- On Enemy Ground
- For weeks, the Garou, bestial werewolves who fight to save the natural world, have been fighting a losing battle against the minions of the vile Wyrm-spawn Jo'cllath'mattric.
- Now, at last, it is time to take the fight to the beast.
- In Tribe Novel: Silver Fangs, the warrior King Albrecht travels to Europe to rally the Garou forces but finds a cold welcome from his brethren.
- In Tribe Novel: Glass Walkers, the young spirit-seer Julia Spencer tried to find the weakness in the enemy's defenses but may well be leading her packmates into an ambush.
Silver Fangs[]
Chapter One - Chapter Thirteen[]
About the Author[]
Glass Walkers[]
Chapter One - Chapter Ten[]
About the Author[]
Background Information[]
- In the Acknowledgments, Tim Dedopulos thanks Philippe Boulle, Xanthe Holford, Dave Allsop, Jared Earle, Paul Addicoat, Dr. Jest and Megan Leggo.
- Ads at the back of the book include: Tribe Novel: Black Spiral Dancers & Wendigo (Dec. 2002), Dark Ages Clan Novel Series: Nosferatu and Trilogy of the Second Age (Chosen of the Sun, Beloved of the Dead and Children of the Dragon).
Memorable Quotes[]
"So how do you like the odds of you and me convincing Konietzko to even let us in on his plans to take this Joe Killa Matrix thing on?" - Albrecht - Pg. 37
"I don't know," Albrecht grumbled. "I liked that part."
Mephi glanced at him and rolled his eyes. "Ahrouns... You know, it probably didn't even happen that way. Where were the margrave's warriors during all of this? His pack? Did he just walk from here to Transylvania? Sure! Realism, take the hindmost."
"It's just a song," Albrecht said. "You saying you never exaggerate to make one sound better?"
Mephi bristled. "I don't have to. When I tell a story, it's what the heroes do that makes them look good, not what I make up about them."
"Oh," Albrecht said. "I guess I can take that as a compliment."
Mephi looked a little confused at that, but he caught on quickly. "Yeah. Because of The Saga. You should. You came off great in that."
"Thanks." - Pg. 65
Then they all lifted higher into the air together and called out, 'The light of hope has gone. Here the forgotten son will remain. Ever here. Forgotten son." - Tamara Tvarivich - Pg. 81
"You can because it's the honorable thing to do," Albrecht said. "You have to. Sometimes, you've got to admit you made a mistake and take your lumps for it. That's just the way it goes. Then everybody gets over it, and the war goes on. And if those guys in there can't get over it, well..."
"The hell with them," Mephi finished.
"Yeah," Albrecht grinned. "What he said." - Pg. 86
"So what about until then?" Albrecht said. "What do we do?"
"You and I?" Tvarivich asked. "Our duty. That's all we can do. The war goes on regardless."
"Yeah," Albrecht said. "I guess it does." - Pg. 97
"I recognize you," the Spiral barked, causing Albrecht to check his lunge in surprise. "The eye patch. The circlet. The sword. You're Albrecht. The one Brother Arglach preached about at our hive." - Pg. 129
"Should have listened to your Brother Ass-rack. Now where'd Solemn Lord go?" - Albrecht - Pg. 130
"The Lore Bane was made of tale spirts! Folded, twisted into muscle fibers..." The realization was so startling that she only realized she'd spoken aloud when the others turned round to stare at her.
Cries Havoc was the first to speak. "What do you mean?"
"It's..." She looked for a way to explain it that made sense. "It's about information. Information is like energy; it can't be created or destroyed. It can only be lost."
"Like the rest of us," muttered Carlita.
Julia sighed. "Okay, two plus two is four, right? If you somehow had the power to make everyone forget that, right across the world, even made them forget what numbers were, you still wouldn't change the fact that two plus two is four. No one would know it, the information would be lost, but it would still be part of the world. That's true for any sort of information. The story of Laughs-at-Pine-Cones will always be the story of Laughs-at-Pine-Cones, even if the time comes that no one knows it. There's always the chance that the story could be recovered somehow - a lost book, chatting to an ancestor spirit, glyphs in a lost cave, whatever - it doesn't matter. You can make people forget, hide the knowledge from them, lock it away, but you can't destroy it."
What has this to do with tale spirits? Even speaking in the growls and movements of the wolf tongue, Storm-Eye managed to sound slightly impatient.
"Don't you see? A tale spirit is the consciousness of a piece of information. If the information can never be destroyed, then the tale spirit must be as resilient. The Lore Bane wasn't feeding off the tale spirits, it was keeping them captive. When Cries Havoc killed it, it exploded. That's because it was made of hundreds of tale spirits, folded and wrapped around and spun together and bound with Wyrm essence. Imprisoned within that foulness, locked into a shape of evil and forced to serve the Wyrm. It must be hell for them. Literally. And when we killed the spirit that kept them bound together, they were set free again."
"That's monstrous." The Children of Gaia were a famously empathic tribe anyway, but as a Galliard, Garou tale-teller, Cries Havoc looked doubly sickened. Pgs. 155-156
"I'm really sorry about Geoffrey. He's a..."
"Ragabash?" suggested Carlita helpfully.
"Wanker," corrected Julia. - Pg. 179
"This is Julia Spencer, Glass Walker of the Old City Sept."
"I call to those who dwell around the campsite hearth."
"I call to those who share in the pleasure of a jug of ale. I call to the spirits of tales lost. Arise! Fight to be heard once more!"
"Awake! Awake! AWAKE!" - Pg. 245
"Probably. Anyway, he roused us. All those tale spirits at once - it must have been way too much. It's a good thing they held off. We were lucky, anyway. They totally suckered us. Me. I led us into a bear-perfect ambush, and it was total luck that invoking the tale spirits dazed the Banes. We'd all have been slaughtered otherwise."
"I'll let you in on a secret. We make our own luck," said Blake, smiling. - Pgs. 252-253
- Silver Fangs
- Gashwrack - Black Spiral Dancer Ahroun, Former Guardian of Owl's Rest Caern ("Eric Fire-Stealer")
- Bile-Claw - Black Spiral Dancer Metis Theurge
- Lady Arastha - Black Spiral Dancer Galliard, Hive Leader
- Splinterbone - Black Spiral Dancer, Died
- Shrike's Thorn - Black Spiral Dancer, Died
- Jo'cllath'mattric, "Forgotten Son"
- Jonas Albrecht
- Mari Cabrah
- Evan Heals-the-Past
- Arkady
- Margrave Konietzko
- Nadya Zenobia - Black Fury Theurge, Finger Lakes Sept
- Antonine Teardrop
- Eliphas Standish - Silver Fang Gatekeeper, North Country Caern
- Jacob Morningkill
- Isaiah Morningkill
- Regina - Silver Fang Warder, North Country Caern
- Mephi Faster-than-Death
- Korda Laszlo - Shadow Lord, Sept of the Night Sky
- Fire-Shadow - Shadow Lord, Keeper of the Spirit Gate, Sept of the Night Sky
- Boris Thunderstrike
- Helena Slow-to-Anger - Black Fury Sept Leader
- Swift-As-the-River - Red Talon Sept Leader
- Guy Houndstooth - Children of Gaia Leader of Sept of Mountain Springs
- Sergiy Dawntreader - Children of Gaia, Leader of the Sept of the Dawn
- Queen Tamara Tvarivich
- Heart-of-Fury - Silver Fang, Elder, Past
- Gryffyth SeaFoam - Fianna, Sept of the Night Sky Talesinger
- Gregornous Deathwing
- Baba Yaga
- Ilanya Silverfoot - Shadow Lord, Sept of the Night Sky, Died
- Brother Arglach - Black Spiral Dancer
- Glass Walkers
- Julia Spencer
- Carlita
- Cries Havoc
- John North Wind's Son
- Storm-Eye
- Laughs-at-Pine-Cones - Garou, Tale
- Jo'cllath'mattric, "Forgotten Son," "Macheriel"
- "Mick," Mika Gerbovic, "Specimen 113," "Mike" - Black Spiral Dancer
- Doctor Robert Galland - Human, Megadon, Died
- Roland Hall - Human, Megadon, Died
- Lucy - Human, Dr. Galland's Secretary, Megadon, Died
- Sergiy Dawntrader - Children of Gaia, Leader of the Sept of the Dawn
- Mari Cabrah
- Evan Heals-the-Past
- Albrecht
- Nicola River-Runner - Fianna, Grand Elder and CEO of the Old City Sept
- Antonine Teardrop
- Margrave Konietzko
- Karin Jarlsdottir
- Arkady
- Stuart Stalks-the-Truth
- Long-in-Truth - Uktena Theurge, Mistress of the Rite, Crystal Waters Sept
- Old River Thames - Spirit
- Roger Blake - Garou Warder, Old City Sept
- Geoffrey Talyor - Garou, Old City Sept
- John Sullivan - Garou Gatekeeper, Old City Sept
- Rob Thompson - Kinfolk, Old City Sept
- Karen Oldbury - Garou Theurge, Truthcatcher and Mistress of the Challenge, Old City Sept
- Jared Pelling - Glass Walker Kinfolk, Old City Sept
- Lisa Webber - Glass Walker Ragabash Cub, Old City Sept
- Bill - Human, Julia's childhood friend of her father
- Mac - Kinfolk, Old City Sept
- "Tiny" Tim Bolyn - Children of Gaia Ahroun, Old City Sept
- Mary - Human, Mac's girlfriend, Forensic Psychiatrist
- Pete Marment - Glass Walker Galliard, Old City Sept
- Rochelle Harris - Fianna Galliard, Old City Sept
- Old Herb - Bone Gnawer, Old City Sept
- Chris MacEnryght - Glass Walker Galliard from California
- Ilenya - Garou, Tale, Past
- Delia - Wyrm allied Human agent, Art Dealer, Mick's ally
- Nadya Zenobia - Black Fury Theurge, Finger Lakes Sept
- Alani Astarte
- Elya Touched-by-Gaia - Silver Fang, Tale, Past
- Caradoc Sleeps-on-Idris - Fianna Ragabash, Tale, Past, Dysynni Sept
- Michael - Theurge, Finger Lakes Sept
Abyss, Airt, Albania, Ancestor Spirit, Anthelios, Appalachian, Balkans, Bane, Bawn, Boon, Boston, Brixton, Bulgaria, California, Camberwell, Cardiff, Caern, Casablanca, Catskills, Catskills Protectorate, Chimare, City Warders, Cliath, Club Release (Brixton, Destroyed), Cockroach, Coldharbour Lane, Concolation, Crete, Croatia, Crystal Waters Sept (Uktena), Curiosus, Curse, Dawn Times, Defiler Wyrm, Dream Realm, Dream Zone, Dysynni Sept (Welsh), East Europe, Eater-of-Souls, Europe, Falcon, Fang Dagger, Fera, Fetish, Finger Lakes Sept/Caern, Firebird Sept, First Change, Florida, Fomor/Fomori, Frenzy, Garou Tongue, Gatekeeper, Gauntlet, Germany, Glade, G'louogh, Grandfather Thunder, Grand Klaive, Grand Oak (North Country), Green Mountains, Greenville, Guardian, GWnet, Hellhole, Herne Hill, High Tongue, Hive, Homeland (Tribal), House Wyrmfoe, Hungary, Incarna, Ingoldstadt Sept (Glass Walkers, Germany), Iron Riders, Ivory Priesthood, Keeper of the Land, Klaive, Knossos, Kosovo, 'Lethargg, Urge of Apathy', Loch Fyne, London, Long Island, Lore Bane, Lune, Macedonia, 'Mahsstrac, the Urge of Power', Manchester, Megadon (Long Island, Pentex Company), Moon bridge, Moot, Morocco, New Mexico, New York, New York City, Net-Spider, North America, North Carolina, North Country Protectorate (Caern, Vermont), Old City Sept (London), Ooralath, Owl's Rest (Fallen Caern), Oxfordshire, Painted Coyote Caern (New Mexico), Pathstone, Pattern Chain, Pattern Spiders, Peckham, Penumbra, Pit, Project Aconite, Protectorate, Psychomachia, Ratkin, Raven, Red Hook, Red Star, Rite of Accomplishment, Rollright Sept (Oxfordshire), Romania, Russia, The Saga of the Silver Crown, Scotland, Scrag, Screaming Trailblazers (Pack), Seattle, Sept of the Anvil-Klaiven, Sept of the Crescent Moon, Sept of the Dawn (Ukraine), Sept of Mountain Springs (Switzerland), Sept of the Night Sky, Serbia, Shadow Curtain, Silver Crown, Silver Record, Silver River Pack, Solemn Lord (Albrecht's Grand Klaive), Soul, Spirit, Spirit Realm, Spirit-Storm, Stockwell, Switzerland, Szeged, Tale Spirits, Tampa, Thames, Thunderwyrm, Tisza, Tisza River, Tisza River Hellhole, Transylvania, Truthcatcher, Ukraine, Uktena, Umbral Storm, Ural Mountains, Vampire, Vegarda, Vermont, Warder, Warders of Men, Waynesville, Web Spiders, Whippoorwill, Wyrmfoe, Wyrmhole, Wyrm-taint, Yugoslavia,