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Tribe Novels: Silent Striders and Black Furies are fiction novels for Werewolf: The Apocalypse. It is the second book in the Tribe Novel Saga.


Fight or Die
At a Concolation called by Karin Jarlsdottir of the Get of Fenris and others, the Garou decided that it was time to learn more about a dangerous Wyrm beast in the heart of Serbia that seems to only be growing stronger. In the Silent Striders portion of this second book of the Tribe Novel series, this foe is sought within the Umbra. In Black Furies, the Garou attempt to gain information in the physical world, and that demands a journey through many blighted lands.



Silent Striders[]

Chapter 1 - Chapter 22[]


About the Author[]

Black Furies[]

Chapter 1 - Chapter 16[]

Background Information[]

In the Silent Striders section of the book, Mephi Faster-Than-Death and the Roving Wind Pack are tasked in retrieving the hidden Pathstone from the corrupted caern: Owl's Rest. They must get to it before the Black Spiral Dancer Pack, Our Father's Vision, finds it. Unfortunately, they are too late to stop a dark ritual involving the Pathstone that releases a terrible bane. Mephi makes it out alive to warn others about what happened.

In the Black Furies section of the book, Mari Cabrah and the Ice Wind Pack must travel to Serbia to find out why packs are disappearing in the area. On the way, they get lost in the Umbra and it seems that something is following them. Mysteriously, it seems that Brand Garmson thinks that his son, Arne Brandson ("Wyrmbane"), is still alive. Mephi arrives too late to warn that the Ice Wind Pack must not leave for Serbia. Karin tries to reach Mari and the Ice Wind Pack, but she is stopped by some unknown force.

During a stop by the Sept of Bygone Visions, Mari receives a vision by Themis involving the ghost of Diana Howl-Strong. When they finally arrive in Serbia, the Pack is attacked by unknown black winged banes capable of consuming memories. While the Ice Wind Pack falls in battle, Mari is returned to the Anvil-Klavien Sept. She has fallen into a coma, but briefly wakes up for one moment to give name to the Bane Spirit controlling these new banes, "Jo'cllath'mattric", before she falls into unconsciousness again.

Memorable Quotes[]

“Hakaken,” Splinterbone said, “They said it was Hakaken.”
“The Heart of Fear,” Arastha said, scratching Splinterbone between his eats. Her eyes commanded Gashwrack and Shrike’s Thorn to remain still. “From the Beast-of-War’s brood, but no less noble for its heritage. Do you know Hakaken’s history? He was a vainglorious Shadow Lord who sought to destroy the very heart of the Shattered Labyrinth by dancing the Black Spiral. He thought he could withstand the truth of what we are and the power of what we know, He even danced as deeply as the Eight Circle of the Spiral, known as the Dance of Paradox. When the Bane of Enigmas asked him “What are you afraid of? Hakaken’s only answer was simply, ‘The truth.’ Our Father was so pleased that He made Hakaken into the Heart of Fear when the glorious beast passed the test at the Ninth Circle of the Spiral.” - Pg. 58-59

“Say, Ivar, tell me this,” he said. “Did you and the Screaming Trailblazers find what you were looking for? The last cast-off skin of the Wyrm?”
“It wasn’t out there in the Umbra to find,” Ivar said, looking away rather than into Mephi’s eyes. “We thought we’d figured out where it is, but it wasn’t out there.”
“Where then?” Mephi asked. “If you don’t mind me asking.”
“I’m looking at it,” Ivar said. “So are you. That’s what my dead friend Jack Wetthumb figured before we set off for Malfeas.”
“I don’t follow.”
“Follow this. Every one of us Garou knows that Gaia created us. She made us spirit and flesh, fury and wisdom, man and wolf – all in balance. What no one’s thought to wonder is exactly what Gaia made us out of.”
The large man shrugged again, letting Mephi’s mind to the work.
Mephi stood stunned at the insane possibility. “Do you really believe that?”
Ivar’s eyes narrowed, and he put himself in Mephi’s face before Mephi could even react. “My best friend crashed the gates of Malfeas because he believed it. I followed him, and there he died. Don’t ask me that again.” -Pg. 94

“Die well,” Ivar said to the two of them. “Or not at all – Pg. 125

“Look at me!” he howled to the Spirals. “I am Mephi Faster-Than-Death! Come to me when you’re ready to die!” I’ll spit you both on this staff and server you to the jackals of the desert! If you run, I will catch you! I am faster than Death, but Death comes with me!”…
“Cowards!” Ivar shouted, leaping up the ridge in one fluid motion and bursting into his Crinos form at the same time. “I am Ivar Hated-by-the-Wyrm! I have killed your brothers in your own hall! I have seen the worst your master can dream of, and I have lived to tell my story!” He waved his enormous war hammer over his head in one hand. “Your story ends on the head of this hammer!”
Before Ivar had finished, Rain-Hunter had already climbed up beside him in her Crinos form. When his words ended, hers began right away, in the traditional Garou tongue rather than simple wolfspeak. “I am she who hunted a man for three days through the pounding rain because he trespassed!” she howled. “It is not raining now! You are easy to find!”
The two Spirals exchanged a look then lifted their heads in unison. “We are Our Father’s Vision! We come! Rally, children of our Father! We go to war!” - Pg. 131-132

“You must remember them all. Your destiny is no light one, Mephi Faster-Than-Death. When the Last Battle comes and the Serpent rises from its slumber, you must remember all the fallen heroes whose stories you’ve ever heard. To fail in this – to forget even one – is to take the Wyrm into your body and destroy the world yourself.” - Pg. 148-149

Among themselves, the Furies sometimes referred to the Fenrir as the Can’t Get, for all the things they can’t get through their thick heads.- Pg. 217

Brand scoffed. “We are the Fenrir.”
“Yeah,” Mari said. “That’s what worries me.” - Pg. 264


  • Ads in the book include: Clan Novel Trilogy: Lasombra (Mar. 2001) and Lay Down with Lions (Aug. 2001).
  • Thanks are made to Ethan Skemp, Bill Bridges and Stewart Weick in Carl Bowen's Acknowledgements.


  • Silent Striders
    • Mephi Faster-Than-Death
    • Brand Garmson -Get of Fenris, Ice Wind Pack
    • Karin Jarlsdottir
    • Margrave Konietzko
    • Gashwrack - Black Spiral Dancer Ahroun, former Guardian of the Sept of Owl's Rest, "Eric Fire-Stealer", Our Father's Vision Pack
    • Lady Arastha - Black Spiral Dancer Galliard
    • Splinterbone - Black Spiral Dancer Ahroun, Our Father's Vision Pack
    • Shrike's Thorn - Black Spiral Dancer Theurge from the Hive of Prisoner's Tears, Our Father's Vision Pack
    • Rain-Hunter - Red Talon of the Roving Wind Pack
    • Antonine Teardrop
    • Mari Cabrah
    • Storm-Eye
    • Melinda Light-Finder - Shadow Lord Theurge, Leader of the Roving Wind Pack
    • Lord Arkady
    • Conrad DeSalle, "Stone Stepper" - Children of Gaia of the Roving Wind Pack
    • Ivar Hated-by-the-Wyrm - Get of Fenris Homid of the Roving Wind Pack, former Screaming Trailblazers Pack Member
    • Parts-the-Water - Silent Strider, Screaming Trailblazers Pack, died
    • Jonas Albrecht
    • Jack Wetthumb - Screaming Trailblazers Pack, died
  • Black Furies
    • Mari Cabrah
    • Mars-Rising - Get of Fenris Ahroun Homid, Ice Wind Pack
    • King Jonas Albrecht
    • Brand Garmson -Get of Fenris, Former Warder, Alpha of the Ice Wind Pack
    • Kelonoke Wildhair
    • Antonine Teardrop
    • Diana Howl-Strong - Black Fury, she and her pack went missing
    • Sergiy Dawntreader - Children of Gaia, Sept of the Dawn leader
    • Cries Havoc
    • Karin Jarlsdottir
    • Arne Brandson, "Arne Wyrmbane" - Get of Fenris Ahroun, died
    • Warclaw Silverfist - Get of Fenris
    • Lord Arkady
    • Evan Heals-the-Past
    • Margrave Konietzko
    • Aeric Bleeds-Only-Ice - Get of Fenris, Ice Wind Pack
    • Jorn Gnaws-Steel - Get of Fenris, Ice Wind Pack
    • Fangs-First - Get of Fenris, Ice Wind Pack
    • Fimbulwinter - Get of Fenris, Ice Wind Pack
    • Chani Deep-Byte - Glass Walker who disappeared into the Umbra
    • Oksana Yahnivna Maslov - Female Shadow Lord
    • Esh'm - Lune Spirit
    • Queen Tamara Tvarivich
    • Soren - Spelled that way in the novel, must be Sören Hospitaler from the previous book, Get of Fenris Galliard
    • Jotun Threeships - Get of Fenris Jarl of the Sept of Plundered Crosses
    • Mountainsides - Get of Fenris, New Warder of Anvil-Klaiven
    • Wavecrest - Get of Fenris, Gatekeeper of Anvil-Klaiven
    • Mephi Faster-Than-Death
    • Aegina - Black Fury Kinfolk, Argassi Strega
    • Iona Kinslayer
    • Kyra Firefoot
    • Teiresias
    • Themis
    • Milosh - Human
    • Katerina - Human, Milosh's Wife
    • Katerina - Human, Milosh's Daughter, Died
    • Forgotten Son, "Jo'cllath'mattric"


America, Anthelios, Argassi Strega, Atrocity, Balefire, Balkans, Bane, Bane of Enigmas, Baneswords, Battleground, Blight, Bodine, Bosnia, Bronx, Caern, Call for Succor, Concolation, Crete, Cry of Elation, CyberRealm, Dance of Paradox, Danube, Danube River, Dark Litany, Dark Umbra, Deep Umbra, Dream Zone, D’siah, Egypt, Essence, Europe, Fenris, Firebird Sept, First Change, Fomor, Gaffling, Gardens of Nightmares, Gatekeeper, Gauntlet, Ghost, G’louogh, Graves of the Hallowed Heroes, Greece, Greet the Sun, Greifynya, Guardian, Hakaken, Harano, Hellhole, Hive, Hive of Prisoners’ Tears (BSD), Hortobägy National Park, H’ruggling, Hungary, Ice Wind Pack, “In nomine vermiis,” Klaive, Kosovo, Litany, Lune, Macedonia, Machine Incarna, 'Mahsstrac, the Urge of Power', Malfeas, Mätra Hills, Miria, Miria-Ecube, Moonbeam, Moonbridge, Moonpath, Moot, Morava River, Near Umbra, New England, New Mexico, New York, New York City, Ninth Circle of the Spiral, Norway, Ooralath, Osiris, Our Father’s Vision (BSD Pack), Owl, Painted Coyote Caern (New Mexico), Pathstone, Pattern Spiders, Pattern Webs, Penumbra, Plain of the Apocalypse, Prague, Protectorate, Psychomachiae, The Red Star, Rite of Questing Stone, Rite of Summoning, Rite of the Totem, Romania, Roving Wind Pack, Russia, The Saga of the Silver Crown, Scar, Scrags, Screaming Trailblazers Pack, Scryer, Sept of the Anvil-Klaiven (Aeld Baile, Anvil of Thor, Forge Masters, Hill of Lamentations, House of the Spearsreach, Ice House, Spirit Crafters), Sept of Bygone Visions (Sept: Hecate’s Gate), Sept of the Dawn (Sept: Spring of Gaia’s Tears), Sept of the Night Sky, Sept of Owl's Rest (Caern of Memory), Serbia, Set, Shadow Curtain, Shattered Labyrinth, Silver Crown, Sisterhood, Somes River, Spirit, Spirit Wards, Step Sideways, Stormcrows, Tisza Hellhole, Tisza River, Totem, Umbral Storm, United States, Valhalla, Vardar River, Viseu River, Vrajne (City), Wakshaani, Warder, Yugoslavia,

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