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Tribe Novels: Red Talons & Fianna are fiction novels for Werewolf: The Apocalypse.


The War Rages On
In spite of two crushing defeats in battles both physical and spiritual in Eastern Europe, Gaia's defenders have not given up. In Tribe Novel: Red Talons, the task of gathering new warriors and shaping them up into a pack that will face the Wyrm-spawn horror in Serbia falls to battle-hardened Storm-Eye.
In Tribe Novel: Fianna, the Ragabash known as Stalks-the-Truth is not content to let the absent Wyrm-tainted Silver Fang Arkady simply disappear, but to what lengths will Stalk-the-Truth have to go in order to find the missing Silver Fang? And at what cost?


Red Talons[]

Prologues: Wolf & Man[]

Chapter One - Chapter Sixteen[]

Epilogues: Remembered & Forgotten[]

About the Author[]


Chapter One - Chapter Eighteen[]

About the Author[]

Background Information[]

In Red Talons, Karin Jarlsdottir feels that Jo'clatth'mattric's banes are after Cries Havoc. She tells Storm-Eye to take him to Antonine Teardrop. They are constantly hounded by Mika Gerbovic and a shadowy wyrm wolf throughout the novel.

The Moonbridges to Anvil Klaiven collapse as a huge penumbral storm and assault happens at the caern. Mephi Faster-than Death managed to make it out with Mari before the moonbridges collapsed, but Storm-Eye and Cries Havoc have to rely on Julia Spencer's summoned Pattern Spider to leave to the Old City Sept in London.

Once there the Old City Sept helps them in getting a plane to America. They then come in contact with Carlita 'Big Sis' at the underground subway. Mick attacks them there and later flees. John North Wind's Son shows up to help them, as he was sent by Antonine.

Once they meet up with Antonine, they are attacked by Mick again with a group of Fomori. The Wyrm Wolf with Mick is really a memory bane from Jo'clatth'mattric that takes the shape of Fights-the-Bear: Storm-Eye's Kinfolk brother who died from killing a wolf hunter by her command. It is her own memory made toxic. However, Uktena comes to them in the Umbral waters to form their pack. With all the formori dead, the bane attacks Mick back, ripping into his brain.

The Silver River Pack (Storm-Eye, Cries Havoc, Julia Spencer, Carlita and John North Wind's Son) is formed.

Mick can't remember his own name and is taken to a Pentex lab on Long Island. Lady Zhyzhak is called to identify Mick, but she doesn't recognize him at all.

In Fianna, Stuart comes home to his Kinfolk family in the Appalachians to tell them of what is going on in Norway (Sept of Anvil Klaiven).

Meanwhile, Father-of-Serpents, a bane or wyrm creature, is freed from a broken corrupted touchstone to make a deal with Dierdre. It is Dierdre's job to make sure no Garou can make it through the Carpathian Mountains to the Old Tin Mine Shaft.

While at Sept of Anvil Klaiven, the Sept discuses Arkady and want to press judgment on him, but need someone to speak for his defense. Stuart decides to take up the position, but also needs to find Arkady with the help of Victor Svorenko.

Victor and Stuart track the trail of the Black Spiral delegation came from back to the Carpathian Mountains and become lost on the Mountain. Victor dies fighting a skinned undead Garou, while Dierdre tries to bargain with Stuart over the body of Victor. Once Stuart figures out Dierdre was the one killing Garou on the mountain, he attacks and kills her.

Stuart finally finds Arkady deep in the mine trying to decipher glyphs. Stuart helps and discovers the White Spiral to point it out to Arkady.


  • The Fianna section lacks a chapter, chapter 14.
  • Ads in the book include: Tribe Novel Bone Gnawers & Stargazers (Nov. 2001) and Land of the Dead (Nov. 2001).

Memorable Quotes[]

The image shifted and she saw its true shape: a black-winged Bane, its twisted tail wrapped around her own form. This was like the thing inside Mari Cabrah, like those Mephi had seen. This was her own memory made toxic. This was the Wyrm’s corruption of her feelings for Fights-the-Bear, its violation of that great wolf’s memory. She would not have it. I see my enemy. - Pg. 126-127

What do you see? It asked, and once again they answered together.
“Family.” - Pg. 134

He leaned closer, confiding a secret. “I think the Apocalypse is already upon us. I do. I think that we are the children of the Apocalypse. It’s the battle we all fight, every day. It’s a battle, not against doing ‘evil,’ but against doing what is convenient, what is comfortable, what is expected. Let’s face it, the Wyrm doesn’t have to put on some great martial display to carry the field. He only has to keep whispering and churning. Telling us that we are doing all that can be done. That we are already fighting the good fight. Telling us there’s no harm in taking little ‘shortcuts’ for the greater good. A silence, a complacency, a deception – that’s all it takes. Good men, strong warriors, fall in this battle each and every day. And we go on as before, listening to the whispers in the dark, pretending the Final Battle is still years off. Pretending that all is well.” - Stuart Stalks-the-Truth, Pg. 190

“The point is,” Stuart replied with a triumphant grin, “that I am still at your side – through three complete circuits of the pattern – and I have yet to set one foot upon the Black Spiral.”
Arkady stopped dead in his tracks. “But how can that be?” he protested softly.
“Look here,” Stuart said, tapping his pencil rapidly against the open notebook page. “It’s something I just realized about the nature of spirals. All spirals. Here’s the Black Spiral I drew. But there’s another spiral here, nestled within it. In this case, it’s a White Spiral, white for the paper peeking through. It’s a negative spiral, sandwiched in between the lines of the black one. And if you were to walk on that spiral, like I was just doing, it should be possible – at least theoretically possible – to reach the center without ever taking a single step on the Black Spiral. Without subjecting yourself to its corrupting touch.”
Arkady just stared at him. - Pg. 285-286


Red Talons[]

  • Fights-the-Bear - Red Talon Kinfolk, Brother to Storm-Eye, Dies
  • Storm-Eye - Red Talon envoy, Former Summer's Sun Pack Member and Current Alpha of the Silver River Pack, " Two-World Daughter", "Judge-of-the-Trees", "Rebecca Sterling," "Storm-Eye Kills-the-Man" and "Storm-Eye Wiser-than-Gaia"
  • Hare-Jumper - Red Talon Kinfolk
  • Long-Runner - Red Talon Kinfolk
  • Mike "Mick" Gerbovic - Black Spiral Dancer
  • Stash - DJ, Human
  • Jo'clatth'mattric
  • Mountainsides - Get of Fenris Warden of the Sept of Anvil Klaiven
  • Karin Jarlsdottir - Get of Fenris Leader of the Sept of Anvil Klaiven
  • Mari Cabrah
  • Mephi Faster-than-Death
  • Toren Weaverguard - Get of Fenris Theurge
  • Arkady - Mentioned
  • Bjorn Storm-Singer - Get of Fenris
  • Arne Wyrmsbane - Mentioned, died
  • Brand Garmson - Mentioned, died
  • Cries Havoc
  • Julia Spencer
  • Jonas Albrecht
  • Dawn-Howler - Red Talon Kinfolk
  • Antonine Teardrop
  • Maurice - Human, Hunter
  • Shauna - Human
  • Old Hubert - Human
  • Gregory Tootoosis - Human, Hunter, died
  • Dorion - Human, Hunter
  • Henry - Human
  • Geoffrey Taylor - Glass Walker, Old City Sept
  • Nicola River-Runner - Fianna Elder of the Old City Sept
  • Little Tim Bolyn - Children of Gaia, Old City Sept
  • Blake - Old City Sept
  • Mac - Kinfolk, Old City Sept
  • Sergiy Dawntreader - Mentioned
  • Carlita "Big Sis", "bigsis745"
  • Scents-the-Truth - Red Talon Philodox Elder, Sky Pines Sept
  • Wyrm-Rutter - Red Talon traitor, Black Spiral Dancer, formerly "Limb-Jumper"
  • Fast-as-the-Gale - Red Talon Cliath, Sky Pines Sept
  • Listens-to-the-Night - Wendigo Philodox Lupus, Sky Pines Sept
  • Speaks-for-the-Trees - Red Talon Theurge, Sky Pines Sept
  • Heard-by-Gaia - Red Talon Galliard Lupus, Sky Pines Sept, Pack of Six Winters, Storm-Eye's Father
  • Mistress Gash - Fomori, died
  • Naz - Fomori, died
  • Eel - Fomori, died
  • Boy - Dog Fomori, died
  • Gene - Human
  • Tom - Human
  • Allucious "Little Al" Henry - New York Bone Gnawer Kinfolk
  • Strength-of-the-Earth - Red Talon, Alpha of the Summer Sun Pack, died
  • Chill-Howler - Red Talon, Summer Sun Pack, died
  • Iron-Talons-Singing - Red Talon, Summer Sun Pack, died
  • John North Wind's Son - Wendigo
  • Thomas Quiet-Eyes - Philodox, Caribou Crossing Sept
  • Sarah River-Walker - Uktena Theurge, Caribou Crossing Sept
  • Evan Heals-the-Past - Mentioned
  • Zhyzhak


  • Stuart Stalks-the-Truth - Fianna
  • Colum - Stuart's father, Kinfolk
  • Ellen - Stuart's sister, Kinfolk
  • Margaret - Stuart's mother, Kinfolk
  • Jennings - Neighboring family in the Appalachians
  • Old Man Jennings - Human
  • Arkady
  • Father-of-Serpents - Wyrm Creature or Bane
  • Dierdre - Witch, Fomori, Died
  • Eileen - Dierdre's Black Ewe
  • Karin Jarlsdottir
  • Brand Garmson - Mentioned, died
  • John Gnaws-Steel - Get of Fenris
  • Victor Svorenko - Arkady's Kinsman, Silver Gang, House of Crescent Moon, died
  • Knife-between-Bones - Black Spiral Dancer delegation spokesman for Arkady, died
  • Arne Wyrmsbane - Mentioned, died
  • Thijis - Get of Fenris
  • Albrecht
  • Sergiy Dawntrader - Children of Gaia, Sept of the Dawn Leader
  • Speaks-Thunder - Garou, Sept of the Dawn, died
  • Gennady - Homid Children of Gaia Cub, Sept of the Dawn, died


Albany, America, Anthem of War, Anthelios, Appalachians, Arctic, Arizona, Balefire, Bane, Bane Tenders, Bawn, Black Spiral, Blight, Blue Ridge, Bosnia, Brother Sun, Caern, Calgary, Canada, Caribou, Carpathians, Catskills Protectorate, Cliath, Club Release, Concolation, Croatia, Cub, Devil's Back Forty, Dirge for the Fallen, Dulles, Eater-of-Souls, England, Europe, Fang Dagger, Fetish, Finland, First Change, Fist (Icy Spring), Florida, Fomor/Fomori, Fosterling, Gaia's Tears (Spring), Garou-Tongue, Gatekeeper, Gatwick, Gauntlet, Ghost, Glade, Griffin, Harano, Hastings, Helios, Hive, House of Crescent Moon, Hudson, Hunter Spiders, Ice Wind (Pack), Impergium, Incarna, John F. Kennedy Airport, Kailindo, Knockerwyrm, Lake Seneca, Litany, London, Long Island, Lorekeeper, Lune, Malfeas, May Belle (Boat), Megadon lab (Pentex, Long Island), Monkeywrenching, Moon bridge, Moon Path, Moot, New York, New York City, Norway, Old City Sept, Oregon, Ottawa, Pack of the Brightest Star, Pack of Six Winters, Paris, Pathstone, Pattern Spider, Pattern Web, Penumbra, Phoenix, Pit, Poughkeepsie, Protectorate, Queens, Realm, Red Star, Richmond Times (Newspaper), Rite-Master, Rite of the Last Cub, Rite of the Opened Bridge, Rite of Passage, Roving Wind Pack, Russia, Scandinavia, Sept of Anvil Klaiven (Aeld Baile, Hammerfall, Hill of Lamentations, House of Spearsreach, Greifynya, Anvil of Thor, Scandinavia), Sept of Caribou Crossing, Sept of Dawn, Sept of the Hand of Gaia, Sept of the Night Sky, Serbia, Serpent's Casting, Sigils, Silver Crown, Silver Record, Silver River Pack (The Pack that Runs in the Silver River), Silver Spirals, Sky Pines Sept, South London, Spirit, Stepping Sideways, Summer's Sun Pack, Tampa, Tisza, Tisza River, Touchstone, Uktena, Umbral Wind, Warder, War of Rage, Web, wergild, White Howlers, White Spiral, Wyrm-hole, Yellowknife,

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