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Tribe Novels: Children of Gaia & Uktena are fiction novels for Werewolf: The Apocalypse.


Casualties of War
The Garou, the bestial werewolves who fight to save the natural world have their backs to the wall. In Tribe Novel: Children of Gaia, the storyteller Cries Havoc, robbed of his memories by the Wyrm, fights to become whole again. In Tribe Novel: Uktena, another songkeeper named Amy Hundred-Voices comes face to face with Lord Arkady the Silver Fangs accused of conspiring with the Wyrm. Can she turn him from his destructive path?


Children of Gaia[]

Chapter One - Chapter Twenty-Six[]

About the Author[]



Chapter One - Chapter Nine[]

About the Author[]

Background Information[]

  • Ads in the book include: Tribe Novel: Silver Fangs & Glass Walkers (Aug. 2002).
  • Stefan Petrucha thanks Eric Griffin, Ethan Skemp, John H. Steele, Carl Bown and Stewart Wieck in the Acknowledgments.

Memorable Quotes[]

"I...I wish I was as sure as you."
Song-of-the-Waterfall took hold of his chin and turned his head to look him in the eye. "My friend, nothing is certain in this life. All we can do is choose, strive and hope. What do you choose?" - Pg. 116

"Maybe I am a ******," Cries Havoc said. "I'm definitely a freak. But at least I'm not a fat pig with a fat gut hanging off me, and at least my bowels don't give me any trouble."
Troutcatcher scowled. "What are you talking about?"
"You know. Two nights ago, you snatched way more than your share of the duck meat, like usual. But this time, you paid for it. Everybody heard you trying to shit."
"You're crazy," said Troutcatcher, but Hears-the-Quiet and Wally smiled a little despite themselves. Because everyone had heard. - Pg. 120

Cries Havoc had always assumed that if the mantle of Galliard ever descended on him at all, it would happen as he related one of the great sagas or laments of his people. He had no idea why a vulgar impersonation of a septmate's constipation should at long last invest him with his birthright, nor would he ever understand. But he didn't care. Here at the beginning of his new life, all he wanted to do was express his newly exalted nature. He barely even cared about striking back at Troutcatcher anymore.
But he would, because that was the essence of the story that he and the tale spirit had to tell. - Pg. 121

The Lore Bane dived. Exalted by a fury that, paradoxically, did nothing to diminish his clarity of thought, Cries Havoc filled his lungs and shouted. His bellow seemed percussive as a thunderclap and ended with a sharp snarl. I am your end, the call said to the Lore Bane in a way no human speech could. - Pg. 133

"Fullerton rises early. It must be 5 A.M. Anyway, we're still maybe a hundred miles from the Sept of the Hungry Flower. A half day if we take it slowly, but like it or not, Amy, soon we'll be there."
The last to reach the outcropping, Chottle pressed his head into the dirt and rubbed what must have been his forehead against the ground, as of scratching an itch.
"There...there...there," he repeated in perfect imitation of Claws' pitch and tone. He would often latch onto the last syllable of a sentence and repeat it, as if were a broken recorder with only a few seconds of memory. - Pg. 156

"Poor Chottle," Amy whispered. "No one can even tell what shape you're in."
"Urine...urine...urine," Chottle said. Claws picked his head up and gave Amy a half grin.
"He making fun of you?" - Pg. 158

Amy looked up and tried to feel the Great Mother, Gaia, somewhere in the air or in herself. She could not. She tried to feel something other than guilt or inadequacy. She could not. Helpless to halt her own diaspora, in an unspoken prayer, she asked the blackness between the fading stars, "Now will my whole life ache?"
Though she didn't hear it, Chottle, in repetition of words she had not spoken aloud, muttered quietly, "Ache...ache...ache..." - Pg. 164

The car lurched off onto the street, then with a screech sped off. The radio had been left on and a familiar piano hook, albeit tinny through the cheap speakers, filled the air. Amy moved to curtail the offending blare, but Claws, with a wild-eyed grin, one head on the steering wheel, turned to her and said, "Are you kidding? Crank it!"
So she did, and Warren Zevon's "Werewolves of London" filled the night air.
I saw a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's
His hair was perfect!
Amy stared in wonder as Claws, happy to be alive, half shouted, half sang at the speeding Excel laid down some miles between them and the fomori:
Werewolves of London.
"Arooo! Arooo!" Chottle imitated perfectly. Sometimes he even hit it right on the beat. - Pgs. 248-249

"Life is long, Claws with Teeth, and history is written by the winners. Perhaps one day it will be said that you used us. That is why so much depends on the tales that are told. So much depends on who tells the tales, who sings the songs." He walked over to Amy, put his hand beneath her chin and raised her head so they could see eye to eye.
"We are not so different, you and I. We both carried secrets, we both felt ashamed, we are both Uktena, " he said softly.
"Is Kwakiuktl responsible for my sadness?" Amy asked.
"Attracted to it, more likely. And to the secrets you sought."
"Then I don't know why I fight," Amy whispered sadly.
The old man stood and shook his head. "Yes, you do. Amy, what is your totem?"
She met his ebony eyes with a furrowed brow.
"I don't know." - Pg. 256

He'd been instinctively repeating the last sound he'd heard, the final syllable uttered by Johnny Sees the Wind: "an...an...an..."
The voice of the metis, a perfect imitation of Sees the Wind's, now loud and clear, completed the Shaman's spell. - Pg. 272

"I will not fall. I will not fail. Give it to me."
"No. It's mine," Amy said.
"You refuse me?"
"Last I checked, that's what 'no' means. Or would you like to hear it in all hundred voices?" - Pg. 278

"Chottle," Amy grinned in her growing, guttural rage, "you are a trickster." - Pg. 280

"We're alone now, no one to hear but you and I..." Amy began.
"And Chottle," the old man winked.
Amy smiled. "And Chottle. Tell me, what did you mean when you said I built the bone-sphere?"
With the unmarked, pointed stick he carried, bleached white from the sun, he made a little circle in the sand and poked a hole in its center. The spirit of the sand twinkled visibly in the air as he wrote.
"You said yourself that throughout the Tellurian things become real through song. You sang in your heart for a way for each of your voices to be part of a whole, yet still sing with its own true nature. Does that not describe your sphere? All your rage, all your being had been going into its creation for years, until finally you found it, and yourself. Do you understand?"
Amy nodded.
"Now tell me - what is your totem?" he asked.
Without hesitating, Amy answered, "Chimera - the many that is one."
Sees the Wind nodded.
"When the time comes, perhaps you'll build another bone-sphere, or something even more wonderful," he said. "And use it to trick the Wyrm into singing your song." Then he added in a hushed whisper, "Though on that day, I think it just as likely we'll all sit in a Grand Moot with the One Who Dreamed Us All." - Pgs. 283-284

The tune sounded familiar, and it was terribly catchy, but it took Claws several minutes before he realized she was making it up as she went along. - Pg. 286


  • Children of Gaia
    • Cries Havoc
    • John North Wind's Son
    • Antonine Teardrop
    • Julia Spencer
    • Laughs-at-Pine-Cones - Garou, Story, Past
    • Smashes-to-Dust - Bane, Story, Past, Destroyed
    • Burns-to-Ash - Bane, Story, Past, Destroyed
    • Rots Away - Bane, Story, Past, Destroyed
    • Storm-Eye
    • Record Kepper - Ancestor Spirit
    • Jo'cllath'mattric
    • Carlita, "Big Sis"
    • Howard Pierce - Human Shell for the Lore Bane, Dispossessed
    • Jane Pierce - Human, Howard's Wife, Died
    • Crooked Claw - Garou, Story
    • Song-of-the-Waterfall - Children of Gaia, Cries Havoc's Mentor
    • Troutcatcher - Children of Gaia
    • Hears-the-Quiet - Children of Gaia Theurge
    • Wally - Children of Gaia
    • Malcolm - Children of Gaia Kinfolk
    • Mr. Caulder - Human
    • Sergiy Dawntreader - Children of Gaia, Sept of the Dawn leader
    • Mother Eldridge - Bone Gnawer Elder
  • Uktena
    • Clackton - Garou, Story
    • Amy Hundred-Voices
    • Casey, "Claws with Teeth" - Uktena Ahroun
    • Chottle - Wendigo Ragabash Metis
    • Professor Randolph Stinton - Wyrm-tainted Human, died
    • Johnny Sees the Wind - Uktena Theurge Sept Elder of the Sept of the Hungry Flower
    • Lord Arkady
    • Antonine Teardrop
    • Jeremy - Human
    • Samantha - Human
    • Richard Mountainside - Uktena, Pack and Septmate of Johnny's, Sept of the Hungry Flower, Died
    • Kathy Bandilack - Uktena, Pack and Septmate of Johnny's, Sept of the Hungry Flower, Died
    • Fits the Pieces - Uktena, Pack and Septmate of Johnny's, Sept of the Hungry Flower, Died
    • Brunt Kusagak - Wendigo, Greyrock Sept, Died
    • Marty Drumdancer - Wendigo Kinfolk, Greyrock Sept, Died
    • Ussak - Wendigo, Greyrock Sept, Warder, Died
    • Moonsinger - Garou, Story
    • Brown Eagle - Garou, Story
    • Peter - Johnny's Nephew, Kinfolk, actually a spirit under Johnny's command
    • Broken Medicine
    • Kwakiuktl - Nexus Crawler
    • Stokes the Flame - Uktena, Johnny's Mentor, Died


Alaska, America, Ancestor Spirit, Anchorage, Appalachians, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona, Bane, Bane Arrow, Bear, Bone-sphere, Bosnia, Caern, Caern of the Hungry Flower, Chaco Canyon, Chimares, Chimera, Colorado, Columbus, Croatan, Deep Umbra, Dekane (Town), Dirge for the Fallen, Domain, Europe, Fetish, First Change, Florida, Fomor/Fomori, Four Corners, France, Frog, Fullerton, Gaffling, Gamecraft, Gauntlet, Ghost, Ghost Dance, Ghost World, Gore-Tex (Pentex Company), Grand Klaive, Greyrock Sept (Alaska, Destroyed and Reformed), Gurahl, Harano, Harmony Flute, High Tongue, Hisatsinom, House Crescent Moon, Japan, Klaive, Lake Champlain, Litany, London, Lore Bane, Loup River, Malfeas, Membrane, Mexico, Moon bridge, Moot, Mt. Ranier, Near Umbra, Nebraska, Newman Grove, New Mexico, New York, New York City, Nexus Crawler, North America, North Carolina, Okinawa, Omaha Reservation, Oregon, Pathstone, Pattern Web, Pattern Spiders, Penumbra, Pentex Corporation, Philip Smith Mountains, Psychomachia, Pueblo Bonito, Pure Lands, Pure Ones, Pyramid of the Sun (New Mexico), Realm, Red Star, Rite of Passage, Roadrunner, Roanoke, Sanctuary Chimes, San Francisco, Scrags, Sept of the Anvil-Klaiven, Sept of the Dawn (Ukraine), Sept of the Hungry Flower, Serbia, Shell Creek, Silver Crown, Silver River Pack, Silver Spiral, Soul, South America, Spirit, Spirit Whistle, Stepped Sideways, Subrealm, Tale Spirits, Tampa, Tellurian, Tibet, Tisza, Tisza River, Triat, Ukraine, Uktena, Unicorn, University of New Mexico, Utah, Vichy, Warder, War of Rage, Washington, Willow Creek State Recreation Area, Winter Snow, Wyrmcomers, Wyrmhole, Yellowstone,

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