The Triad is a triumvirate and coterie of powerful Kindred from the British Camarilla, assigned by Mithras to lead the colonization efforts of New England in the United States. Their clash with the Kindred present in the region led to the New England Wars.
The Triad original leaders have presumably fallen to the Beckoning in recent days, but it's presumed someone may still be commanding the Triad and local British Camarilla forces.
It was through William Biltmore and his Redcoats -- largely mortal retainers and fierce ghouls, but with some Kindred among their number -- that the Mithraist Triad enforced their hegemony through Boston. Roman Pendragon focused on leading his war, nominally against the Sabbat, but destroying any Kindred in his path. In one notable part of the campaign, Pendragon's ghouls successfully salted the earth in every major cemetery in New Hampshire through use of Blood rituals, thus entombing all sleeping Sabbat, who used the cemeteries as a matter of habit. Meanwhile, Stanford Warwick established the Web throughout New England. Quentin King, for his part, was aware of the Triad's activities, but was too weak and prone to fits of mania to do anything about it. Even if he could have interfered with the Mithraists' ambitions, he lacked the wisdom and allies to form an alternative.
- Redcoats are the Triad's enforcers in Boston; mostly composed of ghoul retainers and some Kindred minions
- VTM: Dark Colony, p. 18-22, 29-33
- VTM: New Orleans By Night, p. 95
- VTM: Fall of London
- VTM: Boston by Night