Trey Fischer is a Mekhet currently active in Chicago.
Trey Fischer had been around vampires all his life — he just didn't know it until it was too late. His father worked at one of the Prince of Chicago's companies and eventually became a ghoul. Unwilling to cope with what her husband was turning into, Trey's mother left, taking only his sister. In his late teenage years — by which time he'd adopted the Loki moniker — his girlfriend vanished, and he later saw her among some rough types who turned out to be unbound vampires. Cruelly, one of that gang of vampires turned Loki, too, but such spitefulness didn't endear him to the independent cause. He threw in early with the dominant power structure for revenge. He had his revenge, but he couldn't quite bring himself to destroy his erstwhile girlfriend, and she's still out there.
Since getting involved with the hierarchy of vampiric power, Loki doesn't see eye to eye with it frequently. He associates with the most holistic of the prevalent covenants, the Circle of the Crone, which allows him to blend personal philosophy with the occult origin of the undead. Nevertheless, he understands that the prevailing power structure is his best bet, especially as he's made a bit of a name for himself leading a successful coterie of enforcers against vampires who would jeopardize the Traditions and risk unlife for all the undead.
WOD: Chicago Biography[]
An up-and-coming Hound in Maxwell's court, Loki looks too young to be taken seriously. A product of Chicago's booming gothic-industrial scene, Loki continues to dress the part of the disenfranchised youth, even in Elysium. After all, if being dead isn't good enough reason to wear black all the time, then what is?
While many of the rank-and-file Kindred of Chicago tend to overlook Loki, despite his status, he has the ear of the city's most powerful Kindred: Maxwell, McLean and Norris. Loki takes care not to abuse this privilege, and thus far he has performed well for the Prince and remains in the Prince's good graces.
Loki most often reports directly to Norris, and Loki is typically tasked with spying or gathering information on the city's Kindred. Loki's skills make him a capable investigator in this capacity, but his maturity and surprisingly good judgment make him a reliable one.
Although Loki is on the young side, both in blood and demeanor, he is deferred to as an ancilla. His responsibility, determination and his reputation as a shrewd and resourceful problem-solver have established him as a tenacious foe, a cunning ally and a rising star in Prince Maxwell's court.
Loki was never in big trouble as an adolescent, but he was always in enough trouble to make him a pain in the ass. When his mother fled her disintegrating marriage, she took her daughters and left Loki behind. Since his father was largely absent, preferring to work away his every conscious hour, Loki's girlfriend, Suzanne, became the center of his world. The two were extremely close until a few months later, when Suzanne disappeared as well.
With no parental or social support, Loki imploded. He blew off his last months of school, preferring to wallow in self-pity instead of graduating from high school. If he was awake, he was slipping into industrial dance clubs or looking for trouble on the dark streets of Chicago.
While wandering the streets one spring night, shortly before his 18th birthday, Loki glimpsed his girlfriend again, looking pale and wild in the lights of the street. She was hanging with a rough crowd. When he confronted her, the others got involved and everything turned ugly. He was used to charming, tricking or lying his way out of ugly situations, but this time was different. Suzanne and her gang turned on him, and neither his wits nor his tenacity helped him avoid being fed on and Embraced. The gang members assumed Loki would fry in the sunrise. He didn't. Furthermore, he figured out what had been done to him in fairly short order and adapted accordingly. But he was furious about the circumstances of his death and Embrace.
Loki quickly realized that his sire and gang were unwanted mongrels among the Kindred, and that they feared the Prince more than anyone else in the city. It didn't take long for him to figure out that what they had done to him was against some Kindred law. So he sought out the enemy of his enemy - and his appeal caught Prince Maxwell's interest. Maxwell was enraged that anyone, no less an unaligned pack, had broken his Tranquility. And, conveniently, here was an angry young Kindred with a serious grudge against said pack, to do the bulk of the dirty work. He gave Loki some backup, in the form of a couple of the city's Hounds, and instructions to bring the curs in that justice may be done. Then he sat back to see what Loki would do.
Loki performed extraordinarily well, demonstrating a talent for undercover investigation, subterfuge and the setting of traps. He also evinced an unexpected ferocity when cornered. Ultimately, Loki managed to stake his sire and turn him over to Prince Maxwell for judgment as instructed.
The Prince was impressed with the young Kindred's performance. Maxwell took Loki under his wing and made him one of his Hounds, both as a means of socializing the young vampire and as a means of harnessing his obvious potential.
After realizing that being unaligned had too many political consequences (not the least of which is forgoing Maxwell's patronage), Loki joined the Circle of the Crone after being aggressively wooed by Bella Dravnzie. Although he likes the primal nature of the Acolytes, he has too little time and too much political ambition to pursue spiritual matters with any great diligence.
Loki was 18, physically and emotionally, when he was Embraced, and he will remain 18 for the duration of his Requiem. Consequently, he will always have the motivations, the interests and the judgment of an 18-year old. While this has many advantages, it could prove to be the one obstacle to Loki's advancement as he works his way up the Kindred power scale.
Clan: Mekhet
Covenant: Circle of the Crone
Embrace: 1995
Apparent Age: 18
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 2, Manipulation 1, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Computer 1, Investigation 2, Occult 1, Politics 1
Physical Skills: Athletics 1, Brawl 2, Firearms 1, Larceny (B&E) 1, Stealth (Sneak) 3, Survival 1
Social Skills: Empathy 1, Expression 1, Intimidation 1, Persuasion 2, Socialize 2, Streetwise (Rumor Mill) 2, Subterfuge 2
Merits: Barfly, Haven: Security: 1, Haen: Size 1, Haven: Location 1, Herd 1, City Status (Hound) 1, Contacts (Ravers, DJs, Auto Mechanics), Covenant Status: Circle of the Crone 1
Willpower: 5
Humanity: 6
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Pride
Health: 7
Initiative: 6
Defense: 3
Speed: 10
Blood Potency: 1 (Vitae/turn: 10/1)
Disciplines: Auspex 2, Celerity 2, Obfuscate 3
- VTR/WTF/MTAw/CofD: World of Darkness: Chicago, p. 121-122
- CofD: World of Darkness: Chicago - Three Shades of Night, p. The Murder of Crows: 5-6, 10-99; Birds of Ill Omen: 174-175, 177-184, 198; Shadows and Mirrors: 245, 249, 254-255, 276, 279