White Wolf Wiki

Travis Fett is a thirteenth generation Anarch Brujah who once resided in Chicago before he met Final Death during the War of Chicago in 1993.[1]


Though he grew up in a harsh black neighborhood, Travis Fett never had much success being tough. Skinny and bookish, Travis quickly found that his best defense against being picked on was a quick wit and an ability to get everyone to pick on somebody else. His uncle, who had worked in vaudeville and then in Chicago's nightclubs as a musician, magician and anything else that would get him on stage, taught the boy dance and music, and soon incorporated Travis into his own acts. Before he was 13, Travis found himself a success in Chicago and around the Midwest.

However, this was not enough for Travis. He longed to be feared and respected, and did not see how making people laugh and clap could accomplish this.

He tried his hand at boxing, but got knocked out in his first Golden Gloves match. He tried to learn Karate, but broke his hand trying to break a brick. He tried to join the army when he turned 16 in 1980, but was rejected for having dropped out of school before the eighth grade. Heartbroken, he decided to end it all.

As he prepared to walk into Lake Michigan for the final time, he noticed that a tall black woman had walked up behind him. She greeted him and began to talk in detail about his life. Amazed, Travis asked the women who she was. She told him her name was Belial, and that she had had her eye on him for a long time. She led him away from the Great Lake and took him to her haven, where she transformed him into one of the Damned.

During the next few years, Travis revelled in his new life. He had more power than he knew what to do with, and he let it be known. He got back into the nightclub circuit, playing sax and singing, while at the same time plotting vengeance against everyone who had ever crossed him.

Then came Maldavis' rise to power. Travis' sire was an early ally of Maldavis, and she brought Travis into the Anarchs' revolt. Still cocky about his newfound powers, Travis believed that nothing could stand against him and his friends. This was before he actually began fighting Lodin's allies. Travis quickly learned that there are many Kindred much more powerful than he. This lesson became embedded in his mind when the Prince's followers launched their all-out attack on Maldavis' followers. Belial was one of the last to fall and Travis looked on in horror from his hiding place as he saw one of the Prince's brood tear her drained body to shreds.

He fled the city and returned to the nightclub circuit. His dreams of invulnerability destroyed, Travis swore at first never to go back to Chicago. As the years passed, though, his fear began to tum to hate. Now he has returned, thirsting for vengeance. He seeks in particular the one among Lodin's brood who destroyed Belial - he does not know the Vampire's name, but only know that the Kindred is as black as himself and wears the clothing of a Blood gang-member.

In 1993, during the War of Chicago, Travis Fett met Final Death by unknown means.

Character Sheet[]

Image: Looks like a young Malcolm X. Skinny and light-skinned. Wears glasses and has short hair.

Haven: Under the Second City comedy club.

Roleplaying Hints: If you can do it, crack jokes at almost everything. Otherwise, make light of everyone's concerns.

Secrets: C- Influence: His ally is his uncle, who is moderately influential in the entertainment world. His fame and resources come from his entertainment skills and his manager serves as his retainer.

