Tower of Babel is a fiction novel for Mage: The Ascension.
From the Back Cover:
- Meet Max Zorn, Inquisitor for the Theocracy, the benevolently despotic oligarchy that rules the world. Zorn has recently defeated a dangerous enemy of the Theocracy and is about to embark upon a crusade against the subversive organization that spawned him.
- In reality, however, Zorn is a character created by author Ron Church, a man with untapped magickal potential who has unconsciously imbued his fictional character and world with more than literary life.
- When Zorn comes into direct conflict with Ron, his Creator, both their worlds are shattered. Zorn runs afoul of his brothers in the Theocracy, while Ron is discovered by the Technocracy, a group of mages intent upon stifling his magickal activities.
- The fist novel focusing on the enlightened and powerful beings known as mages, Tower of Babel is written by John H. Steele, an author previously published in White Wolf's Mage: The Ascension anthology Truth Until Paradox.
Part One: Genesis[]
- Chapter One - Chapter Seven
Part Two: Job[]
- Chapter Eight - Chapter Fourteen
Part Three: Revelations[]
- Chapter Fifteen - Chapter Seventeen
About the Author[]
White Wolf Publishing Presents Blood War[]
Background Information & Trivia[]
Tower of Babel is the continuation of the short story, "The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove," from the Truth Until Paradox anthology. The short story was also published in the Truth Until Paradox Revised anthology.
The back of the book has a book order form for buying the following books: Truth Until Paradox, Death and Damnation and Prince of the City. The book also contains an excerpt for Masquerade of the Red Death Trilogy: Blood War.
Due to meta-fictional nature of the novel, John H. Steele appears in the book as well.
John tells Tun Tzu about how Staley Krause and Stewart Wieck (Editors of Truth Until Paradox) didn't like the character Allen that was supposed to be Tun's apprentice in "The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove."
Memorable Quotes[]
"Maybe our Creator is just some hack writer trying to pay his bills!" - Pg. 222 - Ron Church commenting on John H. Steele.
"He began to gather together his possessions and stuff them in the gym bag with the computer: towel, sunscreen, Eric Griffin fantasy novel, wallet, hotel key." - Pg. 286 - John H. Steele mentioning another White Wolf author in the book.
- Max Zorn - Fictional character created by Ron Church, Inquisitor, One with Ron Church
- Kroaker - Fictional character, Heretic ALF Leader, Died
- Jarvis - Fictional character, Zorn's Assistant, Died
- Brady Trimmerhorn - Fictional character, Inquisitor, ALF Leader and Founder
- Marlin Jaquobs, "Toano" - Fictional character, Inquisitor, Secret ALF Member, Died
- Ed Rollins - Fictional character, Inquisitor
- Burell - Fictional character, Maintenanceman
- Frank Martin - Fictional character, Senior Inquisitor
- Gentry - Fictional character, Department of Orthodoxy Patrolman
- Dana Norris - Fictional character, YAF Member,
- Norge - Fictional character, ALF Member, Codename
- Tracie - Fictional character, Evander's Waitress
- Lorraine Darnell "Alfonse" - Fictional character, Evander's Waitress, ALF Member, Died
- McGuinn - Fictional character, Case
- Johnson or Johnston - Fictional character, Inquisitor
- Desmond - Fictional character, Informant Codename
- Maria - Fictional character, Informant Codename
- Brenda or Beverly - Fictional character, Jaquobs' Wife
- Gifford - Fictional character, Inquisitor
- Alverston Darnell "Al" - Fictional character, Lorraine's Son
- Urbana - Fictional character, ALF Member, Died
- André - Fictional character, Inquisitor, Died
- Ron Church - aka "Ronald Jeffrey Church," Writer, Akashic Brotherhood Mage
- Chuang Tzu - Pure One who founded the Akashic Brotherhood
- Irene - Female N.W.O. Mage, Banker at Bayside First Mutual Bank, "Theocrat," Died
- Tun Tzu - Akashic Brotherhood Mage, Sage
- Nathaniel "Nate" Early - Ron's Literary Agent, Mortal, Died
- Otis McNeil - Literary Agent from Fawcett, Mortal
- Benjamin Hardy - Ron's Accountant, Mortal, Disappeared
- Ward and Stowe - Detectives, Technocracy agents
- Wendy Ivres - TV Reporter, Anchorwoman, Technocracy agent
- Shantei - Akashic Brotherhood Mage
- Jim Woo - Akashic Brotherhood Mage
- John H. Steele - Ron Church's Creator
- Allen - Tun Tzu's apprentice that didn't survive the first draft, Mage
- Jens - John H. Steele's Friend
Agents, Akashic Brotherhood, Alaska, Andrews and Stern (Publisher, Technocracy), Apocalyptic Press (Publisher of Tower of Babel, Akashic Brotherhood), Art, Asian Art Museum, Astral Realm, Aura, Awakening, Baja Bean Co. (Restaurant), Bamboo Grove (Realm), Bayside First Mutual Bank, Cambodia, Canada, Cape Cod, Costa Rica, Cuba, Death on the Tower by Ron Church (Book), Dream Scanner, Dynamic Energy, Eddy's Corner Pub, Fawcett (Publisher), Germany, Golden Gate Park, Hawaii, Indiana, Japanese Tea Garden, L.A., Life, luria tree, Mage, Magick/Magickal, Marin County, Masses, Men in Black, Mexico, New Mexico, New World Order, Nob Hill, Operatives, Pacific, Pocket Realm, Prime, Psychic, Pure One, Quebec, Quintessence, Reality, Realm, Roswell, San Diego, San Francisco, Sphere, Stasis, Soul, Starlight Lounge and Motor Lodge (Location), Superiors, Syndicate, Tahiti, Technocracy, Time, Timetable, Tower of Babel by Ron Church (Book), Tradition, Transamerica (Location), Tzu-jan (Nameless), Umbra, The Underground News Merchant Bookstore, United States, Virginia, The Waterfront (Restaurant), Williamsburg, wu wei (Actionless Action),
Fictional: ALF (Anglian Liberation Front), Anglia (Location), Anglopolis Monocle (Newspaper), Anglopolis Tower, Book of Orthodoxy, Brotherhood of the Emerald Isle (Splinter Group), Creator, Cross of the Order of the Theocrat, Department of Orthodoxy (DO), Department of Propaganda, Evander's (Pub), From Righteous Beginnings: A History of the Theocracy (Book), Heresy, Inquisitor, Intermediary, Office of Procreation and Compatibility, Sons of Liberty (Splinter Group), Theocracy, True Way Books (Bookstore), unOrthodoxy, YAF (Young Anglians for Freedom),
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