White Wolf Wiki

Torvald the Unstoppable was a Get of Fenris Ahroun. He appears in Rage.

Character Quotes from Cards[]

  • Big Honkin’ Club: “This’ll make them think twice!” - Torvald
  • Crush: “… and they make such a satisfying sound when they hit the pavement!” - Torvald
  • Snarl of the Predator: “Your toys will avail you not.” - Torvald
  • Torvald the Unstoppable Homid Form card: “I gave myself my name a long time ago. I earned it with the skull of the first one who laughed.”
  • Focus Your Rage, Equinox: “Dance all you want. I only need one shot.” - Torvald
  • Cleaning Up the ‘Rok, Equinox: “Okay, yes, things got a little out of hand. Sorry, okay?” - Torvald
  • Call to Glory, Equinox: “I say we just go Crinos and pound the Talons and Wendigo and Furies until they decide to leave our casino alone! It’s time to clean out the Ragnarok! WHO’S WITH ME?!?” - Torvald


