Tor-Brundvandt-Scab-Slasher is a Get of Fenris.
The Scab-Slasher has already made a name for himself as a warrior and protector of Gaia. In the two years since he earned his name, he has worked diligently to destroy all attempts by big business to build in the areas outside of his home city of Atlanta, Georgia. His terrorist activities have many times delayed road construction work and the development of new housing projects. More importantly, he has increased the humans' fear by hunting down and mutilating the worst Wyrm-corrupt beings in his territory.
Along with his multribe pack, the Hammer of Justice, Tor has slain numerous humans guilty of dealing drugs or committing rape, murder or prostitution. He has made a habit of tracking his enemies to their homes and ending their miserable lives in ways that protect the Veil. Many of the "domestic violence" cases that have come before the media and the law in Atlanta have actually been the work of Scan-Slasher and his ack, but their subtle approach and careful manipulations have ensured that the Garou do not gain unwanted attention.
One of Tor's favorite maneuvers is the deliberate derailing of trains carrying important supplies for Pentex. There are rumors that he has Kin working as low-level file clerks and passing information to him at irregular intervals. The number of accidental spills on railroad lines is second only to the number of tractor trailers that crash and burn in his hometown.
Many believe that tornadoes in the areas surrounding Atlanta aim for trailer parks, but the Get know better: Scab-Slasher aims for trailer parks, specifically the ones known for frequent drug transactions. His ability to make almost any action seem as if it is simply the work of fate should be commended. The time will come when the humans once again know of our existence, but that time is not yet here, and we could all learn a few lessons in strategy from Tor-Brundvandt-Scab-Slasher. Violence is the way of the Get, but that violence need not leave behind the shredded remains of humans to fuel the Inquisition.
- WTA: Litany of the Tribes Volume 2, p. 67
- WTA: Get of Fenris Tribebook, p. 67