Tjehenu, the boy mummy, is a Mummy from the second edition of the Mummy setting.
Most mummies were given immortality sometime during their young adulthood. Tjehenu, however, was Reborn at age 14, giving him the unfortunate appellation of the Boy Mummy.
Tjehenu was originally Libyan, but came to Khem as a child during Egypt's Old Kingdom - part of the Libyan royal family, he was brought as tribute by the pharaoh Sahure. Tjehenu was too young to understnad the reason of his exile, and he grew up in the Egyptian court, adopting Egyptian customs and beliefs. Thus he came to acknowledge the supremacy of Ra and the belief in Maat. A court magician, actually the High Priest of the Cult of Isis, saw in the youth an enormous potential to work magic - true magick, or Ra-hekau, not the paltry cantrips of most magicians. He began tutoring Tjehenu in the ways of magick, and foresaw a bright destiny for the child.
Smallpox struck the youth at age 14. His mentor used his own magicks to try to heal Tjehenu, but some illnesses root themselves deeply into the soul of the afflicted, and even magick cannot cure this. As the youth's life faded, his mentor evoked the Great Rite and gave him immortality.
Tjehenu was immediately taken into the custody of Horus and the Shemsu-heru, where he was instructed in the tenets of Horus' crusade. For years he served Horus, while also advancing his own magical skills; although he could no longer work true magick, he still proved himself a master of Hekau. In time, he cared less for Horus' agenda than for his own studies.
Now he is only nominally a member of the Shemsu-heru; he still pays heed to the word of Horus, and has come to aid him on occasion, but it is clear that Tjehenu is solely concerned with his own esoteric studies. He has become more secretive of late, returning to Cairo to continue his studies - his obsession is on the verge of desperation, is on the verge of desperation, and a few of the Shemsu-heru trust him fully, intimating at pacts with dark forces in exchange for greater power.