White Wolf Wiki

Tinker's Damn is a Freehold in Glasgow in the Tuath of Iron.


Lorna Barnes,

Lorna Barnes

a grump nocker, owns one of the few freeholds to make it through the War of Ivy untouched. After the sidhe routed the Glaswegian Defense Union in The '69, she calmly marched back into Glasgow and put out her "open" sign.

Lorna specializes in music machines. These chimerical monstrosities incorporate Lowland pipes, drums, whistles, organs, tambourines, fiddles, and harps all caterwauling at the same time. At the worst of times they sound like a satyr tied to a tree just in sight of an orgy, but when they are working in harmony, the sidhe nobles clammer for them.


  1. CTD. Isle of the Mighty, p. 95.