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White Wolf Wiki

The German Thule Gesellschaft or Thule Society was an occult group that supported the Nazis during World War II. The organization's predecessor the German Order Walvater of the Holy Grail formed around the turn of the previous century. Landulf II of Clan Tzimisce encouraged the German Order and its successor. Helping to foster its atmosphere of racial superiority by claiming members as ghouls. Before the war the Arcanum attempted to infiltrate the Thule Society, until some Arcanists of the Berlin Chapter chose to reveal their existence to Hitler instead. Leading to a veritable gold-mine of occult research falling into Nazi hands.

The Thule Gesellschaft wielded immense political influence, as they were attached to the likes of Hermann Goering. This cabal attracted hundreds of members, both Traditionalists and Technocrats. Who performed horrifying experiments on concentration camp inmates in places like Dachau. During the course of the war many of them ended up being corrupted by Nephandi. Eventually the Technocracy and Traditions on the Allied side teamed up to stop the Axis mages, forming cabals like Situation Six and others.

Those Thule Society mages and sorcerers who were captured alive were tried in 1946 at the Wewelsberg Tribunal, named for a chantry held by these Nazi occultists. The tribunal resulted in dozens of death sentences and a few gilgul. However the Technocracy granted some amnesties as part of Operation Sparkmaker. A general policy in which they sought to absorb Nazi hypertech innovations. Alois Richter was one such Thule mage who was pardoned.

