White Wolf Wiki
White Wolf Wiki

Thomas Bateman is a former director of Bishopsgate Mental Asylum, whose tenure ran from 1980 to his arrest on murder and embezzlement charges in 1991. Following his death in prison, he became one of the many ghosts haunting Bishopsgate.


A cruel man, even disregarding the murder charge that the director attempted to explain away as an externally-caused compulsion, Bateman was known for his unethical use of electroshock "therapy" and a variety of experimental, yet-unapproved medical operations, among them Displacement/Transference Therapy, which led to the creation of the Homonculi. On a less horrifying note, Bateman also expanded the Brochardt schoolhouse.

A ghost after his death, Thomas Bateman is a member of the Bishopgate Board of Directors, whose sole purpose seems to be the accumulation of necromantic power.

Character Sheet[]

The following has been described as the statistics for the average Bishopsgate ghost:

Attributes: Power 3, Finesse 2, Resistance 3
Willpower: 6
Morality: Varies, by individual
Virtue: Varies, by individual
Vice: Varies, by individual
Initiative: 6
Defense: 3
Speed: 16
Size: 5
Corpus: 8
Numina: Varies, by individual

