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The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps is a d20 sourcebook from Necromancer Games published under the Open Game License.


From the White Wolf Catalog:

The Troll is Back!

More horrible than a nightmare, more feared and loathed than the IRS, Grimtooth the Troll has returned, bringing with him the best of his traps to try men's souls and mangle their bodies! This connoisseur's catalog of condemnable calamities contains countless contraptions to curse even the most courageous adventurer!

Traps and Trouble for any Campaign

The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps collects over 200 of the most devious traps ever devised, all with complete statistics for use in any d20 System game. It also includes the famous Traps Bazaar and the Dungeon of Doom, a dungeon of nothing but traps!


Background Information[]

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Previous release Game Books Next release
NG: Dead Man's Chest Necromancer Games books NG: Eldritch Sorcery