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White Wolf Wiki

The Trickster is a Preceptor Spirit.


The Trickster serves Dynamism directly, and he does what he can to break the Technocracy's hold over the world. To such ends, he might disrupt a Technocracy operation somewhere and lead a cabal of Tradition mages to take care of it (not caring to inform them of his intended plan). Unfortunately, most mages aren't prepared for the surprises the Trickster leads them into, but he helps when he can.

His riddles, once deciphered, often revel information of value to the cabal, be they hints about the future, the resolution of a past problem or an enemy's greatest secret. Unfortunately, the Trickster can't make anything easy, so the mages have to work hard for every step.


The Trickster appears to each viewer as whomever that person trusts most. He can choose to manifest a singular appearance when necessary. In such instances, he appears as a devastatingly handsome young man with a winning smile and boyish charm. He prefers to speak in riddles, saying nothing directly.


Willpower: 5
Rage: 4
Gnosis: 6
Power: 40
Charms: Airt Sense, Appear, Blighted Touch, Corruption, Flee, Insight, Materialize, Re-form, Shapeshift
Materialized Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 4, Stamina 2, Social and Mental equal to Gnosis
Abilities: Academics 4, Alertness 3, Cosmology 4, Dodge 3, Enigmas 4, Etiquette 4, Occult 4, Stealth 4, Subterfuge 6
Materialize Health Levels: 7

