From the back cover:
Dream of Virtue
The heart of an Empire. The birth place of Christianity. The nexus of the Order of Hermes. The roman Tribunal is the most magnificent land in Mythic Europe - and utterly damned. The powers of Darkness corrupt Rome's people, taint its Church and stifle its magic. Here mortal fights mortal and Magus fights Magus, all for prizes long-forgotten. In a land of great marvels, the greatest is survival.
Nightmare of Vice
The Tribunals of Hermes: Rome is the second in a series of Ars Magica 3rd edition setting supplements. This book provides extensive detail on the magical and mundane realms of Mythic Europe's Italian peninsula. Here players and Storyguides will find everything needed to tell a horrific Saga or startling tale in a land remembered for its glory, now renowned for its corruption.
From the Journal of Tamgor of Quaesitor[]
Chapter One: Introduction[]
- Italy: A Short History, by Harry Hearder, 1990
- Parties and Political Life in the Medieval West, by Jacques Heers, 1977
- Medieval Europe: A Short History, Fifth Edition, by C. Warren Hollister, 1982
- A Concise History of Italy, by Luigi Salvatorelli, 1940
- The Middle Ages - Volume I: Sources of Medieval History, by Brian Tierney, 1983
- Western Europe in the Middle Ages 300-1475, by Brian Tierney and Sidnet Painter, 1983
- A Short History of the Italian People, by Janet Trevelyan, Fourth Edition, 1956
- History of the Italian Republics in the Middle Ages, by Sismondi, 1818, condensed by William Boulting, 1906
- The Italian City Republics, by Daniel Waley, 1969
- The Historian's History of the Worlds - Volume IX: Italy, by Henry Smith Williams, 1907
Chapter Two: Mythic History[]
Chapter Three: Hermetic History[]
Chapter Four: Roman Landscape[]
Chapter Five: Covenants[]
- Harco - House Mercere
- Literatus - House Jerbiton
- Magvillus - House Guernicus (Quaesitoris)
- Rellantali - No House Affiliation
- Verdi - House Verditius
- Magical Items of Verdi: The Potent Pot of Tasty Tea, Garicon's Doormat of Welcoming, Geran's Iron Pick and Verdi Light
- Luctatio - House Tytalus
- Postestas - House Tremere
- Sandaron - No House Affiliation
- Vardian's Tomb - No House Affiliation
- Feritel - No House Affiliation
Chapter Six: Mythic Places[]
The Realm of Polyphemus (Eastern Sicily)
- Polyphemus - Cyclopes
The Shadow Senate
- The Revenants (Agatuzzo, the leader of the Shadow Senate; Antonio, Francisco, Mario, Bernoni and Giuseppe)
The Last Italian Faerie Forest (Sicily)
- Silva Ambages - Magus of Merinita
- Shen - Seelie Fae
- Antonio - Silver Fang werewolf
Graveyard of the Arch-Magi
- Criamon Crantel - Magus
- Tarus of Bonisagus
The Resting Place of Mars (Lombardy)
- Old Ones
- Tarhutis
- Arch-Mage Infamitus
- The Ghostly Swordsmen
The Church of Saint Aquila (Rome)
- Angelo - Priest
Appendix: Templates[]
Grog Vocations
- Gang Member
- Italian Sailor
- Lombard Warrior
- Messenger
- Venetian Thief
Companion Vocations
- Bologna Scholar
- Covenant Ship Captain
- Roman Scribe
- Rebellious Son
- Venetian Spy
Magus Vocations
- Commune Mercenary (Tytalus)
- Independent Rebel (Tremere)
- Literatus Student (Jerbiton)
- Necromancer (Ex Miscellanea)
- Magic Item Merchant (Verditius)
Background Information[]
Memorable Quotes[]
(Kingdom of Sicily) The Three Protectors
"The last protectors of the forest are a group of seven werewolves. They call themselves the Silver Fangs, and unlike Silva and Shen, they plan nothing but violence for forest interlopers. The werewolves realize Magi are destroying the forest's areas of magic, and that mundanes are constantly destroying the forest's nature, so pursue a very permanent solution to problems. Relations between the faeries and werewolves are a bit strained - the carefree attitude of the Seelie is quite disturbing to the werewolves - although each understands the other also protects the forest.
The leader of the werewolves is an old warrior. In mortal tongue, his name is Antonio. He has fought the incursions of foreigners for many years and has grown very tired. When he passes on, he hopes the next pack leader will be as vehement in resisting incursions as he. Antonio has been blessed with the power to sense beings of corruption, such as demons and those tainted by diabolic pact." - pg. 103-104
The Werewolves' Glen
"At the center of the Faerie forest is the home of the werewolves. It is here that the shapechangers engage in their strange rituals of earth worship. The werewolves' home is an extremely supernatural place, with a Faerie Aura rated five. The home takes the form of a great glen, devoid of trees, except for one at the center. That tree is a huge evergreen. It towers over the entire forest, but may be seen from nowhere but the glen. If the glen is ever attacked, the wolves defend it with their lives. The tree has 20 pawns of Herbam vis contained within it, but extracting them destroys the tree. The werewolves, not to mention the forest's faeries, would be outraged at the great tree's destruction." - pg. 104
- Tamgor - Quaesitor Mage
- Jarane - Quaesitor Mage
- Varator - Demon of Vengeance
- Insatella - House Primus Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Aldero - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Antho - House Mercere Redcap, Harco Covenant
- Elegans - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Frederick - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Harstein - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Iris - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Pipio - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Spica - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Tentare - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Velox - House Mercere, Harco Covenant
- Guiseppe, a visiting merchant - Harco Covenant
- Amberitus - House Jerbiton, Arch-Mage Head of the Literatus Covenant
- Arichis - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Carlos Duro - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Exileratus - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Favila - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Gerbert - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Roger - House Jerbiton, Literatus Covenant
- Arliandus of Magvillus - Quaesitor Primus Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Denique - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Dione - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Exquiro - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Friuli - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Protantus - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Procella - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Adria - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Largen - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Monferrato - Quaesitor Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Morum - Tytalus Mage, Magvillus Covenant
- Verox - Flambeau Mage, Associate Member of the Magvillus Covenant
- Simprim - Quaesitor Mage
- Mercatora - House Tytalus, Leader of the Rellantali Covenant
- Artur - House Jerbiton, Rellantali Covenant
- Dareth - House Tytalus, Rellantali Covenant
- Evoco - House Tremere, Mercatora's second-in-command, Rellantali Covenant
- Idus - House Flambeau, Rellantali Covenant
- Marius - House Tremere, Rellantali Covenant
- Neririun - Young Magus, Rellantali Covenant
- Imanitosi - Primus of House Verditius, Leader of Verdi Covenant
- Astuth - House Verditius, Verdi Covenant
- Ferramenentum - House Verditius, Verdi Covenant
- Marcelo - House Verditius, Verdi Covenant
- Retistius - House Verditius, Verdi Covenant
- Juden - Magus of Verdi, Verdi Covenant
- Steris - House Verditius, Spokesman of Verdi Covenant
- Erimas of Tytalus - Luctatio Covenant
- Flaren of Flambeau - Luctatio Covenant
- Mario of Tytalus - Luctatio Covenant
- Notatio of Tytalus - Luctatio Covenant
- Paul of Jerbiton - Luctatio Covenant
- Turati of Tytalus - Luctatio Covenant
- Garvil - Tremere Mage Leader, Postestas Covenant
- Davan - Tremere Mage, Postestas Covenant
- Karantia - Tremere Mage, Postestas Covenant
- Tiana - Tremere Mage, Postestas Covenant
- Tolas - Tremere Mage, Postestas Covenant
- Narisian - Ex Miscellanea, Head of the Sansaron Covenant
- Fortunatus of Jerbiton - Vardian's Tomb Covenant
- Luke of Jerbiton - Vardian's Tomb Covenant
- Meles of Cruamon - Vardian's Tomb Covenant
- Rubaton of Ex Miscellanea - Vardian's Tomb Covenant
- Tarith of Ex Miscellanea - Vardian's Tomb Covenant
- Anson of Jerbiton - Feritel Covenant
- Herzak of Verditius - Feritel Covenant
- Ranitel of Jerbiton - Feritel Covenant
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