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The Tome of Horrors III is a d20 sourcebook from Necromancer Games.


From the Sword and Sorcery Insider Volume 4.1:
The Horrors Return!
Necromancer Games brings you another volume in the series of monster books that made 3rd-edition co-designer Monte Cook say, "If a roleplaying game is a gun, then Tome of Horrors is a case of hollow point, explosive shells!"
A Monster Book for v3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying
  • Contains over 200 never-before-seen monsters - from the devastation swarm to the mortuary cyclone to the rakewood devourer - all of which provide usable, detailed, and unknown challenges.
  • Includes new demons and devils (a signature of Necromancer Games), including the nightmarish ahazu and the vile aegrodaemon, and other outsiders such as the angelic chalkydri.
  • Makes a great addition to any campaign - surprise players with new opponents.
  • 100% Open Game Content makes the book useful for any purpose.

Background Information[]

Memorable Quotes[]



Previous release:
NG: The Wurst of Grimtooth's Traps Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!
Game Books
Necromancer Games books
Next release:
NG: Bard's Gate Buy it from DriveThruRPG! Now in Print!