The Sword of Air is a cancelled D20 adventure game book from Necromancer Games.
From the White Wolf Publishing, Inc. 2001 Catalog (Jul-Dec):
"A Legendary Artifact
Hidden away in a tomb dedicated to Hecate, the evil goddess of magic, the Sword of Air awaits those bold or foolish enough to seize! Do you dare enter the trapped halls of Hecate? Can you win the fabled blade? And at what cost? Only those seeking fame or infamy should dare enter this lair of certain doom!
In a Tomb of Unsurpassed Horrors
The second module in our "D" series of stand-alone dungeons, The Sword of Air, published under the D20 System, is designed for 4-8 characters of 10th to 16th level. The Sword of Air is an exceedingly difficult adventure in the style of a certain classic 1st-Edition adventure, and is sure to rekindle fond memories for veteran gamers - except that this dungeon has six levels, not just one. Bring your holy symbol...." - Pg. 45
Background Information[]
Bill Webb went on to co-found Frog God Games, which has managed to release The Sword of Air under their Swords and and Wizardry label on DrivethruRPG.
External Links[] - Necromancer Games Sword and Sorcery books, listing both The Sword of Air and The Wrath of Orcus as cancelled.