The Show is a unique Discipline possessed by members of the Kindred bloodline known as the Carnival. Already deformed, the appropriately nicknamed Freaks use this Discipline to become even more bizarre, putting on a Show which both captivates and revolts an audience.
Geek Trick - the Kindred may perform any self-injuring sideshow trick - eating a lightbulb, hammering a nail into one's face - without feeling any pain. (Any injuries are still real.)
Contortion - the Freak contorts their body in a way impossible for most humans - bending the waist or knees backwards, turning the head 180 degrees etc.
Spider Crawl - hook-like hairs grow on the Freak's palms and feet, allowing her to walk on walls like a spider.
Rubber Skin - compresses or stretches the Freak's body like rubber, fitting into impossibly small spaces or increasing in length.
Siamese Twin - fuses part of the Freak's flesh with either another part of his own body, or that of another Kindred - sharing thoughts and Disciplines in the latter case.
- VTR: Bloodlines: The Legendary
, pp. 34-37