A close-knit group of four women who are powerful psychics and mediums. They use these powers in the acquisition of influence, money and power. The Serpentines maintain a residence and an art gallery in Phoenix, Arizona. Though most of the time these women travel throughout the United States, maintaining contacts and developing new ones, catering to wealthy industry leaders and special interests who can pay for their political manipulation. Usually this involves information gathering, both mundane industrial espionage or more mystical techniques, for instance using wraiths. In rare circumstances they bind a ghost and have him possess a person using Puppetry to perform a specific act. For instance pushing a button to indicate a positive vote where the victim might have voted negatively.
These women were originally training to become part of the Seven Sisters, further developing their supernatural abilities. Eventually becoming full members and learning the workings of government and the arts of persuasion and manipulation. Since the Seven Sisters take a patient and conservative approach to their goals, they only slowly gather personal wealth and influence. Having grown up poor this did not sit well with Alexandra Delacroix. Impatient with how the Sisters did things she sought out training in mystical techniques they didn't approve of. When they found out Alexandra was reprimanded, but carried on secretly doing things her own way. In time Delacroix developed a network of personal contacts in numerous industries. Also she invited three like-minded Sisters to join forces with her. They experimented with direct manipulation of the American political arena. When the Seven Sisters found out all four were banished from the organisation. Which led the Serpentines to becoming an independent organisation.
- WTO: Mediums: Speakers with the Dead, p. 56-57